Save Issue with Vagrant Story.

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Save Issue with Vagrant Story.

Post by Wing0fSilver » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:37 am

I've checked my memory cards on my SD card and everything and they appear to be just fine, but when saving in game it always writes "Corrupted Data" on the memcard save slot. I've tried restarting and even reformatting my SD card, but it still writes corrupted save data. I haven't tried any other games (Mainly due to the fact that I'm using a 2gb card but...) but I'm assuming this is a game specific issue. Is there anything I can do that I haven't tried yet, or am I stuck not being able to save this game?
As a side note, how does one use save states? The article doesn't, as far as my observational skills carry me, mention on HOW one accomplishes this, only that WiiSX is capable of doing so. Any help would be great, thanks!
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