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Debugging the Gamecube IPL

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:22 am
by Matando
I am curious about debugging the gamecube's ipl.

Upon using swiss to dump the ipl binary I found references to "pokemon kingin" as well as banner data. I am curious if I can add debugging hooks to the ipl and load it from homebrew to debug over usb gecko.

I would like to simply peek through the ipl while its running and am curious if anyone has done this before and would mind pointing me in the right direction. I could share this banner data ( if allowed ) and am curious if there is different data inside other ipl dumps.

After doing some research, I have found that there isn't much out there about the ipl itself except for what is contained in yagcd and the information here. I'm just looking for information to help in debugging and sifting through the ipl itself as dolphins emulation of the ipl is still very buggy.