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STC (Simple tetris clone) testing required

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:57 pm
by happy_bunny
Hi guys

I have been playing around with my own tool chain / build system (based off gnu & devkitpro) before I release the source to it all, can someone check a game I ported with it please (to sanity check the build output). I ported STC (simple tetris clone) to the gc heres the dol

http://www.staffs2.webspace.virginmedia ... _games.htm

I have tested it on my pal cube seems to run ok, the dol start location is set at 0x80003100 in the linker script hope thats not going to be a problem for anyone to run it from that location.

Anyway hope someone gets the time to run it and feed back anything good or bad, cheers guys.

Re: STC (Simple tetris clone) testing required

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:50 pm
by capzlk
gameplay could use more options, like setting the speed, and sadly it doesnt take up the whole screen, but it works on my cube , launched from swiss

Re: STC (Simple tetris clone) testing required

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 8:23 am
by emu_kidid
It could do with the following things:

* A splash screen rather than just starting out full speed
* Move the help to the start menu (make a start menu)
* Move statistics or make the pieces shown there smaller (they are distracting)
* Slower speed for level one
* Level selector
* High score

Other than that not bad, I must say, you really love reinventing the wheel don't you? (own tool chain / build system).

Re: STC (Simple tetris clone) testing required

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:00 am
by tueidj
Devkitpro is the equivalent of one of those shitty space-saver spare wheels they put in cheap little "economy" cars so I don't see the problem with reinventing it.