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emgba zoom options

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:49 pm
by IPOv6icW
My basic setup:
pico boot
carby component -> ossc
SD gecko - slot B
swiss r1548
emgba 20220105

Is there a way to change the emgba zoom level in game separately from the emulator's file browser and pause menu?

I ask because when I set the zoom level to my preference for the on-screen game output size, the emulator menus become nearly unusable. Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way and someone here might know a better solution. For reference, I have tested this with a few GBC and GB games which is my primary use case for emgba. So far, I have tried changing the filter, various numerical parameters for --zoom and --zoom-auto (exclusively), and removing --format altogether.

my current cli file:


Thanks in advance for any insight or pointers that can be offered.