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[REQUEST] Gotcha Force - Quick Level Gain Code

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 2:00 pm
by shabbywizard
Can someone make or convert a quick exp gain code for Gotcha Force NTSC-U on the Gamecube?

These are Wiird Codes for the PAL version of Gotcha Force.

Quick EXP Gain [Ralf]
C21CE31C 00000002
831A0008 1F180005
60000000 00000000

Ultra Quick EXP Gain [Ralf]
C21CE31C 00000002
831A0008 1F18000A
60000000 00000000

Here is the original link where they are listed

Re: [REQUEST] Gotcha Force - Quick Level Gain Code

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 1:22 pm
by shabbywizard
Ralf sent me this information to port the experience code but I don't know how to do it. Can someone who knows how to do that use this to find the hook address for the NTSC-U version of Gotcha Force.


the EXP Gain Modifier code is relatively simple to port, because only the NTSC-U hook address of the C2-code is needed.

PAL hook address = 0x801CE31C

801CE2DC: 9421FFC0 stwu r1,-64(r1)
801CE2E0: 7C0802A6 mflr r0
801CE2E4: 90010044 stw r0,68(r1)
801CE2E8: BE810010 stmw r20,16(r1)
801CE2EC: 7C952378 mr r21,r4
801CE2F0: 3B600000 li r27,0
801CE2F4: 7C741B78 mr r20,r3
801CE2F8: 1FDB001C mulli r30,r27,28
801CE2FC: 7CB62B78 mr r22,r5
801CE300: 3B800000 li r28,0
801CE304: 1FB50348 mulli r29,r21,840
801CE308: 480000E0 b 0x801ce3e8
801CE30C: 7C7DF214 add r3,r29,r30
801CE310: 2C160000 cmpwi r22,0
801CE314: 3B4301E8 addi r26,r3,488
801CE318: 7F44D214 add r26,r4,r26
801CE31C: 831A0008 lwz r24,8(r26)
801CE320: 41820010 beq- 0x801ce330
801CE324: 57000FFE rlwinm r0,r24,1,31,31
801CE328: 7C00C214 add r0,r0,r24
801CE32C: 7C180E70 srawi r24,r0,1
801CE330: 2C180000 cmpwi r24,0
801CE334: 418200AC beq- 0x801ce3e0
801CE338: 38000001 li r0,1
801CE33C: 3B200000 li r25,0
801CE340: 7C1FE030 slw r31,r0,r28
801CE344: 48000094 b 0x801ce3d8

With the help of the little ASM dump above, it should be no big deal for you to find the correct hook address for the US version.

Thanks everyone for the help.

Re: [REQUEST] Gotcha Force - Quick Level Gain Code

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:14 pm
by elementaco
I realize this is a significantly old thread, but I wanted the code for personal use, and I believe I've done it correctly. The address in the US version is 801CCF64. I'm very unfamiliar with how AR codes work, so I'm not sure if I did it correctly, but the modified code is working on my Wii. And I'm sure the multiplier can be adjusted just like Ralf's.

Here's the Wiird EXP codes for the US version.

Quick EXP Gain
C21CCF64 00000002
831A0008 1F180005
60000000 00000000

EXP Gain Multiplier
C21CCF64 00000002
831A0008 1F1800xx
60000000 00000000

xx = Multiplier

Huge thanks to Ralf and Shabby for providing everything! Since it's a simple edit of Ralf's codes all credit should go to him.

Re: [REQUEST] Gotcha Force - Quick Level Gain Code

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 12:46 pm
by shabbywizard
Wow, amazing work guys. Huge thanks for this, truly.