Game Hacks, Trainers, Cheats
Moderator: Ralf@gc-forever
- Posts: 3733
- Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:31 am
by Ralf@gc-forever » Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:46 pm
Mystic Heroes (German) [GBHDC8]
Code: Select all
16:9 Aspect Ratio (Widescreen) [Ralf]
042A6B8C 3FE38E39
Max Health/Magic [Ralf]
04253980 270F270F
Max Att/Def [Ralf]
04253984 270F270F
Max RA/RD [Ralf]
04253988 270F270F
Have All Runes [Ralf]
022539BC 0004FFFF
022539C6 00000700
All Runes At Max Level [Ralf]
042539A0 04040404
Have Lots Of Kills [Ralf]
04253974 0001869F
Have Invincibility Powerup [Ralf]
042590EC 000071CE
Have Magic Powerup [Ralf]
042590F0 000071CE
Have Speed Powerup [Ralf]
042590E8 000071CE
Infinite Magic [Ralf]
0486318C 270F270F
Infinite Health [Ralf]
04863150 270F270F
Play As Shiga [Ralf]
0025394F 00000000
Play As Lani [Ralf]
0025394F 00000001
Play As Tai [Ralf]
0025394F 00000002
Play As Naja [Ralf]
0025394F 00000003
PL1: Moon Jump (Hold B) [Ralf]
06002F04 00000018
806D87C8 80630004
3C808000 90642F00
7E83A378 481D77F0
041DA704 4BE28800
28277920 FDFF0200
48000000 80002F00
DE000000 80008180
12000030 00003D40
E2000002 80008000
PL2: Moon Jump (Hold B) [Ralf]
06002F04 00000018
806D87C8 80630004
3C808000 90642F00
7E83A378 481D77F0
041DA704 4BE28800
2827792C FDFF0200
48000000 80002F00
DE000000 80008180
12000094 00003D40
E2000002 80008000
PL3: Moon Jump (Hold B) [Ralf]
06002F04 00000018
806D87C8 80630004
3C808000 90642F00
7E83A378 481D77F0
041DA704 4BE28800
28277938 FDFF0200
48000000 80002F00
DE000000 80008180
120000F8 00003D40
E2000002 80008000
PL4: Moon Jump (Hold B) [Ralf]
06002F04 00000018
806D87C8 80630004
3C808000 90642F00
7E83A378 481D77F0
041DA704 4BE28800
28277944 FDFF0200
48000000 80002F00
DE000000 80008180
1200015C 00003D40
E2000002 80008000
Enable Multi-Player Debug Menu [Ralf]
041156BC 3860001A
Access Japanese Only Stuff (Game Info Screen) [Ralf]
040FB5D8 2C030005
- GBA Link Up
- Secrets
- EX Secrets
Note: The new options are invisible and located below the regular options.
- Posts: 3733
- Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:31 am
by Ralf@gc-forever » Thu Aug 15, 2019 11:27 am
Code: Select all
Invincibility [Ralf]
040D9B2C 60000001
Near Camera [Ralf]
042A25B4 40000000
Far Out Camera [Ralf]
042A25B4 40C00000
Super Far Out Camera [Ralf]
042A25B4 41200000
One Hit Kills Most Enemies & Allies [Ralf]
04086DA4 38000000
0408FF38 38000000
04093124 38000000
0409AAE0 38000000
0409DAD4 38000000
0409F18C 38000000
040A0D44 38600000
040A200C 38000000
040A2018 38000000
040A3328 38000000
040A4524 38000000
040A913C 38000000
040B46D4 38000000
040B759C 38000000
040BC988 38000000
040C0AB4 38000000
040C4F10 38000000
Show Map ID [Ralf]
0402CA88 60000000
0402D7C0 60000000
0422F8A4 4D415020
0422F8A8 25582025
0422F8AC 30325800
Map Previewer [Ralf]
0422F8A4 4D415020
0422F8A8 25582025
0422F8AC 30325800
002A0938 00000001
Map Modifier [Ralf]
04031D80 3B40xxxx
xxxx = Map ID
Map Replacer [Ralf]
C2031D84 00000003
281Axxxx 40820008
3B40yyyy 281AF000
60000000 00000000
xxxx/yyyy = Map IDs
Replaces map xxxx with map yyyy.
Map IDs
0001 - Title Screen
0002 - Stage Results Screen
0003 - Scenario Results Screen
0004 - Hero Selection Screen
0005 - Start Map Menu
0006 - Choose Course (Survival)
0007 - Load/Save Menu
0008 - Game Over Screen
0009 - Rune Selection Menu
000A - Options
000B - Game Info Menu
000C - Secrets (Japanese Bonus)
000D - Koei Logo Screen
000E - Multi-Player Start Menu
000F - Multi-Player Results Screen
0011 - High Scores Menu
0012 - Hero Information
0013 - Demo
0014 - Rune Info Screen
0015 - Character Profiles Screen
0016 - Credits
0017 - GBA Link Menu
0018 - All-Map-Chg-End Screen
001A - Multi-Player Debug Menu
0101 - Road to Castle Kokei: Stage 1-2 (Eradicate the Enemies)
0102 - Battle at Castle Kokei: Stage 1-3 (Defeat the Roc)
0104 - Road to the Kokei Underworld: Stage 2-2 (Eradicate the Enemies)
0105 - Road to the Kokei Underworld: Stage 2-3 (Defeat the Evil Mystics)
0109 - Road to Castle Kokei: Stage 1-1 (Defeat the Bruin)
010A - Debug Map
010C - Battle at Castle Kokei: Cutscene
010D - Road to the Kokei Underworld: Stage 2-1 (Defeat the Bruin)
010E - Road to the Kokei Underworld: Cutscene
0200 - Battle at Mt. Senkai: Stage 2-1 (Defeat the Mamba)
0201 - Battle at Mt. Senkai: Stage 2-2 (Defeat the Juggernaut)
0202 - Battle at Mt. Senkai: Stage 2-3 (Defeat Ka Dracor)
0203 - Battle in the Dragon Underworld: Cutscene 2
0204 - Battle at Mt. Hoshin: Stage 1-1 (Defeat the Mamba)
0205 - Battle at Mt. Hoshin: Stage 1-2 (Defeat the Juggernaut)
0206 - Battle at Mt. Hoshin: Stage 1-3 (Defeat the T'ai Shan)
0207 - Battle at Mt. Senkai: Cutscene 3
0208 - Battle at Mt. Senkai: Cutscene 2
0209 - Battle at Mt. Senkai: Cutscene 1
020A - Battle in the Catacombs: Cutscene 1
020B - Battle at Mt. Hoshin: Cutscene
0300 - Rinto Plains Plot: Stage 3-1 (Defeat the Onyx)
0301 - Rinto Plains Plot: Stage 3-2 (Defeat Kai)
0302 - Strategic Battle at the Kaihei Pass: Stage 3-1 (Defeat the Juggernauts)
0303 - Strategic Battle at the Kaihei Pass: Stage 3-2 (Defeat Grifon)
0304 - Rinto Plains Plot: Cutscene
0305 - Strategic Battle at the Kaihei Pass: Cutscene 2
0306 - Strategic Battle at the Kaihei Pass: Cutscene 1
0400 - Battle at Mystic Castle: Stage 4-1 (Aim for the Castle's Entrance)
0401 - Battle at Mystic Castle: Stage 4-2-1 (Head for the Throne Room)
0402 - Battle at Mystic Castle: Stage 4-2-2 (Head for the Throne Room)
0403 - Battle at Mystic Castle: Stage 4-2-3 (Head for the Throne Room)
0404 - Battle at Mystic Castle: Stage 4-3 (Defeat Sheva)
0405 - Battle at Mystic Castle: Cutscene 1
0408 - Battle at Mystic Castle: Stage 4-2-4 (Head for the Throne Room)
040A - Battle at Mystic Castle: Cutscene 2
0500 - Intense Battle at Zetsu Falls: Stage 5-1 (Defeat Kresh)
0501 - Intense Battle at Zetsu Falls: Stage 5-2 (Defeat Karas)
0502 - Intense Battle at Zetsu Falls: Stage 5-1 (Defeat Konga)
0503 - Intense Battle at Zetsu Falls: Stage 5-2 (Defeat Kanon)
0504 - Intense Battle at Zetsu Falls: Stage 5-3 (Defeat Kai)
0600 - Battle in the Catacombs: Stage 6-1 (Defeat the Brutes)
0601 - Battle in the Catacombs: Stage 6-2 (Rendezvous at the Gate)
0602 - Battle in the Catacombs: Stage 6-3 (Defeat Aria)
0606 - Battle in the Catacombs: Cutscene 2
0700 - Battle at Tower of Taizan: Stage 7-1 (Defeat Grifon)
0701 - Battle at Tower of Taizan: Stage 7-2 (Enter the Tower)
0702 - Battle at Tower of Taizan: Stage 7-3 (Climb to the Top of the Stairs)
0703 - Battle at Tower of Taizan: Stage 7-4 (Defeat Emperor Kang)
0708 - Battle at Tower of Taizan: Cutscene
0800 - Battle in the Dragon Underworld: Stage 8-1 (Defeat the Roc)
0801 - Battle in the Dragon Underworld: Stage 8-2 (Defeat the T'ai Shan)
0802 - Battle in the Dragon Underworld: Stage 8-3 (Defeat Cyrus)
0803 - Battle in the Dragon Underworld: Stage 8-4 (Defeat Cyrus)
0804 - Beta/Test Map 1
0805 - Battle in the Dragon Underworld: Cutscene 1
0900 - Beta/Test Map 2
0902 - Beta/Test Map 3
0903 - Beta/Test Map 4
0904 - Beta/Test Map 5
0905 - Beta/Test Map 6
0906 - Beta/Test Map 7
0907 - Tutorial
0A00 - Survival-Beginner: Stage 1
0A01 - Survival-Beginner: Stage 2
0A02 - Survival-Beginner: Stage 3
0A03 - Survival-Beginner: Stage 4
0A04 - Survival-Intermediate: Stage 1
0A05 - Survival-Intermediate: Stage 2
0A06 - Survival-Advanced: Stage 3
0A07 - Survival-Advanced: Stage 4
0A08 - Survival-Advanced: Stage 1
0A09 - Survival-Advanced: Stage 2
0A0A - Survival-Intermediate: Stage 3
0A0B - Survival-Intermediate: Stage 4
0B00 - Multi-Player Beta/Test Map 1
0B01 - Multi-Player Co-op: Stage 1
0B02 - Multi-Player Co-op: Stage 2
0B03 - Multi-Player Co-op: Stage 3
0B04 - Multi-Player VS Battle: Stage 1
0B05 - Multi-Player VS Battle: Stage 2
0B06 - Multi-Player VS Battle: Stage 3
0B07 - Multi-Player VS Battle: Stage 4
0B08 - Multi-Player VS Battle: Stage 5
0B09 - Multi-Player Beta/Test Map 2
0B0A - Multi-Player Co-op: Stage 4
0B0D - Multi-Player Sudden Death Map
0B0E - Multi-Player Co-op: Stage 5
0B0F - Multi-Player Beta/Test Map 3
Play Debug Map [Ralf]
04031D80 3B40010A
Play Beta/Test Map 1 [Ralf]
04031D80 3B400804
Play Beta/Test Map 2 [Ralf]
04031D80 3B400900
Play Beta/Test Map 3 [Ralf]
04031D80 3B400902
Play Beta/Test Map 4 [Ralf]
04031D80 3B400903
Play Beta/Test Map 5 [Ralf]
04031D80 3B400904
Play Beta/Test Map 6 [Ralf]
04031D80 3B400905
Play Beta/Test Map 7 [Ralf]
04031D80 3B400906
Replace MP Co-op Stage 1-3 With MP Beta/Test Map 1-3 [Ralf]
C2031D84 00000006
281A0B01 40820008
3B400B00 281A0B02
40820008 3B400B09
281A0B03 40820008
3B400B0F 281AF000
60000000 00000000
- Posts: 3733
- Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:31 am
by Ralf@gc-forever » Sun Oct 20, 2024 7:28 am
Code: Select all
Disable Deflicker Screen Filter [Ralf]
041CF794 48000068
Screen Gamma Correction: 1.7 [Ralf]
041DF6CC 38600001
041CD3F4 38600001
Screen Gamma Correction Modifier [Ralf]
041DF6CC 386000xx
041CD3F4 386000xx
xx = Gamma Correction Value ID
00 - Gamma 1.0 (Default)
01 - Gamma 1.7
02 - Gamma 2.2
- Posts: 3733
- Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:31 am
by Ralf@gc-forever » Sun Jan 12, 2025 9:55 am
Code: Select all
Show Build [Ralf]
04115A1C 4800000C
04115A5C 38C00046
Quick Magic Level EXP Gain [Ralf]
04016B04 1CA50002
04016B08 48000008
Ultra Quick Magic Level EXP Gain [Ralf]
04016B04 1CA50005
04016B08 48000008
Magic Level Experience Gain Multiplier [Ralf]
04016B04 1CA500xx
04016B08 48000008
xx = Multiplier