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Huge Price Jump in Gamecube Component Cables

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:33 am
by Redmagnusx
So, while casually browsing ebay today, I noticed that now the D-Terminal and Component cables listed on there are over $240. This is up nearly $100 from what they were going for a couple months ago. The only one under that is an auction at $147 and that is sure to go up as the auction's end nears. I'm sure we can all agree that these prices are absurd and are only going to get worse. I hope the cloned cables get released soon, if anything to keep these scalpers from ripping people off.

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 4:38 am
by Benni
but clone is not Original... Original will always be mire expensiv...!!! and also these cables where rare or?

Re: Huge Price Jump in Gamecube Component Cables

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:01 am
by andre104623
The cable really isn't as rare as everyone thinks. Nintendo made ten's of thousands of them (component,D-terminal). I had one component cable I found at a yard sale but it didn't work. Then I bought two D-terminal cables for $120 I modded both of them for component then sold one on ebay for 180 dollars and kept the other. I really didn't think at first that the cable would make that big of a improvement but wow I could never go back to S-video again. That being said anyone just getting into gamecube S-video isn't bad at all if your just looking to play a few games that bring you back.

Bottom line it's about supply and demand. Maybe people want to hang on to them right now and people are just hiking up the price. Who knows but once mega comes out with a end-user friendly GCvideo at a fare price (I would say $65 to $85 dollars) then I bet prices might go down just because some people might sell there component cable if they buy something to replace what they have that could do more.

Re: Huge Price Jump in Gamecube Component Cables

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:20 am
by Redmagnusx
Exactly Andre, they're not rare at all. I own three originals and I've built two of them in the past one of them from the original chip and the other from a clone I made (credit to unseen). I bring this topic up because I feel that to ask $240 for them is absurd. Perhaps you're right though, maybe people are just holding onto them right now.

Benni; Paying a premium just so you can say you have an original isn't very wise. Especially since, so far, the clone has worked just as well as the original for me and I have both it and the original so it's easy for me to compare.

It's funny though because most people I know just use the Wii for Component Gamceube gaming. You would think that this would make the cable more affordable, but alas no such luck.