The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Fri Sep 11, 2020 11:57 am

Is the NTSC-U version of the C2 code not working at all (e.g. Dolphin emulator), or is it only a Swiss specific problem?
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by CodyGC » Sat Sep 12, 2020 12:24 pm

The code also does not work in Dolphin.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:59 pm

Hmmm, I seems that the US version have other offsets to the load byte and branch instructions than the PAL version. Can you please check the start address of the NTSC-U River Run Fun mini-game overlay code module in Dolphin emulator? The start address should be 0x80D1BBD4 (more info below).

Code: Select all

River Run Fun Never Decrease Score patch ("do_link__20DynamicModuleControlFv" game function hook)

81830034 lwz  r12,0x0034(r3) ; r12: load start address of actual overlay code module
806C607C lwz  r3,0x687C(r12) ; r3:  load instruction at offset 0x607C
3C808883 lis  r4,0x8883
608400BC ori  r4,r4,0x00BC   ; r4: 0x888300BC ("lbz r4,188(r3)" instruction)
7C032000 cmpw r3,r4          ; instruction at offset 0x607C equal to "lbz r4,188(r3)" instruction?
40820010 bne  +0x10          ; no  (skip patch)
3C804800 lis  r4,0x4800      ; yes (apply patch (RRF overlay code module))
60840048 ori  r4,r4,0x0048   ; r4: 0x48000048 (patched branch instruction)
908C6084 stw  r4,0x6084(r12) ; r4: store patched branch instruction at offset 0x6084

English PAL River Run Fun mini-game overlay code module

80B6EE30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
80B6EE40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
80B6EE50: 00000000 9421FFF0 7C0802A6 90010014
80B6EE60: 3C6080B7 3863091C 4B6F50E5 4B6F501D
80B6EE70: 80010014 7C0803A6 38210010 4E800020
80B6EE80: 9421FFF0 7C0802A6 90010014 4B6F5001
80B74ED0: 888300BC 28040000 41820048 3804FFFF
80B74EE0: 980300BC 380000CE 90010010 3C608045

Start address of RRF overlay code module: 0x80B6EE54

Address of "lbz  r4,188(r3)" instruction: 0x80B74ED0
Address of "beq- 0x80b75a80" instruction: 0x80B74ED8

Offset to "lbz  r4,188(r3)" instruction:  0x80B74ED0 - 0x80B6EE54 = 0x607C
Offset to "beq- 0x80b75a80" instruction:  0x80B74ED8 - 0x80B6EE54 = 0x6084

NTSC-U (Dolphin emu)

Address of "lbz  r4,188(r3)" instruction: 0x80D21C50
Address of "beq- 0x80b75a80" instruction: 0x80D21C58

Start address of RRF overlay code module: 0x80D21C50 - 0x607C = 0x80D1BBD4 ???
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by CodyGC » Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:20 pm

I think it might be one of the addresses below. But only a few values are equal.





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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Tue Sep 15, 2020 12:19 pm

Okay, I think I've found the cause of the problem: the module offsets were wrong (0x1AE4/EC instead of 0x607C/84, address 0x80D2016C is the correct module start address, btw.). The revised NTSC-U version of the code below should work now for Swiss and Dolphin emulator.

Code: Select all

River Run Fun Mini-Game: Never Decrease Score [Ralf]
C2262EB0 00000005
81830034 806C1AE4
3C808883 608400BC
7C032000 40820010
3C804800 60840048
908C1AEC 00000000

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by CodyGC » Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:47 pm

Perfect. Thanks again. I'll leave the ARM version tested also below in case anyone needs it.

04003200 81830034
04003204 806C1AE4
04003208 3C808883
0400320C 608400BC
04003210 7C032000
04003214 40820010
04003218 3C804800
0400321C 60840048
04003220 908C1AEC
04003224 4825FC90
04262EB0 4BDA0350
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Sat Oct 03, 2020 9:54 am

Code: Select all

3-Heart Challenge [Ralf]
2C4061C0 0000000F
024061C0 0000000F
E2000001 80008000
2C4061C2 0000000C
024061C2 0000000C
E2000001 80008000

Daredevil Challenge [Ralf]
2C4061C0 00000005
024061C0 00000005
E2000001 80008000
2C4061C2 00000001
024061C2 00000001
E2000001 80008000

Slow Slingshots [Ralf]
0438E6C0 42480000

Fast Slingshots [Ralf]
0438E6C0 44000000

Linear Slingshots (Zero Gravity) [Ralf]
0438E6C4 48480000

Slow Arrows [Ralf]
0438E694 42480000

Balistic Arrows [Ralf]
0438E694 43480000
0438E698 44480000

Slow Bomb Arrows [Ralf]
0438E6A8 42480000

Fast Bomb Arrows [Ralf]
0438E6A8 44000000

Linear Bomb Arrows (Zero Gravity) [Ralf]
0438E6AC 485A0000

Don't Slip On Ice [Ralf]
040A70E8 48000230

Always Walk On Ice [Ralf]
040A70D4 60000000

Iron Boots Don't Make Noise [Ralf]
040E26C0 38800000

Chicken Glide (Hold A And Jump) [Ralf]
040E3F48 38600000
283DD31A FEFF0100
040E3F48 38600001
E2000001 80008000

Link Name Modifier (Slot 1) [Ralf]
043EB0F4 iijjkkll
043EB0F8 mmnnoopp

Epona Name Modifier (Slot 1) [Ralf]
043EB104 00iijjkk
043EB108 llmmnnoo
043EB10C pp000000

Link Name Modifier (Slot 2) [Ralf]
043EBB88 iijjkkll
043EBB8C mmnnoopp

Epona Name Modifier (Slot 2) [Ralf]
043EBB98 00iijjkk
043EBB9C llmmnnoo
043EBBA0 pp000000

Link Name Modifier (Slot 3) [Ralf]
043EC61C iijjkkll
043EC620 mmnnoopp

Epona Name Modifier (Slot 3) [Ralf]
043EC62C 00iijjkk
043EC630 llmmnnoo
043EC634 pp000000

ii = Character 1
jj = Character 2
kk = Character 3
ll = Character 4
mm = Character 5
nn = Character 6
oo = Character 7
pp = Character 8

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Wed Oct 07, 2020 5:23 pm

Code: Select all

Find More Items [Ralf]
04451C28 40FFFF2F

Find Much More Items [Ralf]
0401BFA4 7C8C42E6
0401BFA8 7084007F

Find Tons Of Items [Ralf]
0401BFA4 7C8C42E6
0401BFA8 7084007F

Find Less Items [Ralf]
C201BF9C 00000003
7C6C42E6 70630001
40820008 388000FF
2C0400FF 00000000

Purely Random Items (Except Fixed/Key Items) [Ralf]
06004100 00000038
7C8C42E6 7CAD42E6
7C842A78 7084001F
28040007 4081001C
2804001E 40800014
28040013 4080FFDC
2804000D 4081FFD4
281F0000 4E800020
0401BEE4 4BFE821D
0401BFC8 4BFE8139

Combinable with Find More/Less Items codes.

Fairy's Tears & Rare Chu Jelly: Triple Time [Ralf]
0410F114 380005FA

Midna: Always Normal Outfit Color [Ralf]
04141A08 38600001
04141A14 38600000

Midna: Always Tired Outfit Color [Ralf]
04141A08 38600000
04141A14 38600001

Link/Wolf: No Low Power Anim [Ralf]
040B3474 38600000

Link/Wolf: Always Low Power Anim [Ralf]
040B347C 38600001

Link/Wolf: Low Gravity [Ralf]
04004178 3EC00000
C20BB794 00000003
3C808000 C0044178
EC200072 EC4000B2
D0230530 00000000

Link/Wolf: Very Low Gravity [Ralf]
04004178 3E400000
C20BB794 00000003
3C808000 C0044178
EC200072 EC4000B2
D0230530 00000000

Link/Wolf: High Gravity [Ralf]
04004178 3FC00000
C20BB794 00000003
3C808000 C0044178
EC200072 EC4000B2
D0230530 00000000

Link: Big Hat [Ralf]
0409EEB8 60000000
0409EED8 C02293D8

Link: Tiny Hat [Ralf]
0409EEB8 60000000
0409EED8 C02293F8

Auto Camera On/Off (Press R + A/B) [Ralf]
283DD31A 00000120
04169050 3AE00001
E2000001 80008000
283DD31A 00000220
04169050 3AE00000
E2000001 80008000

Link/Wolf Color Modifier v1 [Ralf]
04124510 C02292B8
06391D44 00000010
rrrrgggg bbbb00FF
xxxxyyyy zzzz00FF

rrrr = Body Color Red    (0001 .. 03FF)
gggg = Body Color Green  (0001 .. 03FF)
bbbb = Body Color Blue   (0001 .. 03FF)

xxxx = Tunic Color Red   (0001 .. 03FF)
yyyy = Tunic Color Green (0001 .. 03FF)
zzzz = Tunic Color Blue  (0001 .. 03FF)

Link/Wolf Color Modifier v2 [Ralf]
04124510 C02292BC
06391D44 00000010
rrrrgggg bbbb00FF
xxxxyyyy zzzz00FF

rrrr = Body Color Red    (0001 .. FFFF)
gggg = Body Color Green  (0001 .. FFFF)
bbbb = Body Color Blue   (0001 .. FFFF)

xxxx = Tunic Color Red   (0001 .. FFFF)
yyyy = Tunic Color Green (0001 .. FFFF)
zzzz = Tunic Color Blue  (0001 .. FFFF)

White Link/Wolf v1 [Ralf]
04124510 C02292B8
06391D44 00000010
00270027 002700FF
002F002F 002F00FF

White Link/Wolf v2 [Ralf]
04124510 C02292BC
06391D44 00000010
001F001F 001F00FF

Shadow Link/Wolf [Ralf]
04124510 C02292BC
06391D44 00000010
002F002F 002F00FF
001F001F 001F00FF

Alt. Link Outfit Color 1 (Red) [Ralf]
04124510 C02292BC
06391D44 00000010
0001001F 001F00FF

Alt. Link Outfit Color 2 (Green) [Ralf]
04124510 C02292BC
06391D44 00000010
001F0001 001700FF

Alt. Link Outfit Color 3 (Blue) [Ralf]
04124510 C02292BC
06391D44 00000010
001F000F 000100FF

Alt. Link Outfit Color 4 (Black) [Ralf]
04124510 C02292BC
06391D44 00000010
002F002F 002F00FF

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Mon Apr 19, 2021 10:44 am

Code: Select all

No Attention/Lock-On Pointer [Ralf]
040732B0 4E800020

Big Attention/Lock-On Pointer [Ralf]
C20733BC 00000003
3C808000 C0245114
EC420072 EC2000B2
60000000 00000000
04005114 40000000

Tiny Attention/Lock-On Pointer [Ralf]
C20733BC 00000003
3C808000 C0245114
EC420072 EC2000B2
60000000 00000000
04005114 3F000000

Attention/Lock-On Pointer Size Modifier [Ralf]
C20733BC 00000003
3C808000 C0245114
EC420072 EC2000B2
60000000 00000000
04005114 xxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxx = Size Multiplier (IEEE-754 SP Floating-Point Number)

3F000000 - Size * 0.5
3F800000 - Size * 1.0 (Default)
3FC00000 - Size * 1.5
40000000 - Size * 2.0

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by sesshowmall » Wed Apr 21, 2021 11:31 pm

Cotton wrote:
Wed May 08, 2019 8:28 pm
Hey Ralf, your work is very impressive. is there a way to replace the hero clothes with the shirtless ranch outfit from the sumo tutorial? Personally I want to play as a raging shirtless brute and beat ganondorf with a wooden stick and no shoes :D , but I’ve looked everywhere for a code and can’t find one.

If it can’t be done thats totally fine. I’m only curious. You’re doing a real service giving everyone the opportunity to carve out their own twilight princess. Thanks for your time.
I've already answered it in another region thread of Twilight Princess, there's this MOD that replaces the Zora Armor with the "Sumo clothes". (Link in the description)

(Didn't get how to insert a URL to a word here so I'm sending the raw youtube link :? )
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Thu Apr 29, 2021 9:17 am

Code: Select all

Collection Screen: Replace Wooden Sword With Ordon Sword [Ralf]
041B2B40 28000028
041B2B48 38600028

Collection Screen: Replace Wooden Sword With Master Sword [Ralf]
041B2B40 28000049
041B2B48 38600049

Collection Screen: Replace Ordon Sword With Wooden Sword [Ralf]
041B2AD8 2800003F
041B2AE0 3860003F

Collection Screen: Replace Ordon Sword With Master Sword [Ralf]
041B2AD8 28000049
041B2AE0 38600049

Collection Screen: Replace Master Sword With Wooden Sword [Ralf]
041B2BC4 2800003F
041B2BCC 3860003F
041B2C2C 2800003F
041B2C34 3860003F
041B2C94 2800003F
041B2C9C 3860003F

Collection Screen: Replace Master Sword With Ordon Sword [Ralf]
041B2BC4 28000028
041B2BCC 38600028
041B2C2C 28000028
041B2C34 38600028
041B2C94 28000028
041B2C9C 38600028

Collection Screen: Replace Wooden Shield With Ordon Shield [Ralf]
041B2D60 2800002A
041B2D68 3860002A

Collection Screen: Replace Wooden Shield With Hylian Shield [Ralf]
041B2D60 2800002C
041B2D68 3860002C

Collection Screen: Replace Ordon Shield With Wooden Shield [Ralf]
041B2DEC 2800002B
041B2DF4 3860002B

Collection Screen: Replace Ordon Shield With Hylian Shield [Ralf]
041B2DEC 2800002C
041B2DF4 3860002C

Collection Screen: Replace Hylian Shield With Wooden Shield [Ralf]
041B2E64 2800002B
041B2E6C 3860002B

Collection Screen: Replace Hylian Shield With Ordon Shield [Ralf]
041B2E64 2800002A
041B2E6C 3860002A

Collection Screen: Replace Hero's Clothes With Ordon Clothes [Ralf]
041B123C 48000014
041B2F2C 2800002E
041B2F34 3860002E

Collection Screen: Replace Hero's Clothes With Zora Armor [Ralf]
041B2F2C 28000031
041B2F34 38600031

Collection Screen: Replace Hero's Clothes With Magic Armor [Ralf]
041B2F2C 28000030
041B2F34 38600030

Collection Screen: Replace Zora Armor With Ordon Clothes [Ralf]
041B123C 48000014
041B2FB4 2800002E
041B2FBC 3860002E

Collection Screen: Replace Zora Armor With Hero's Clothes [Ralf]
041B2FB4 2800002F
041B2FBC 3860002F

Collection Screen: Replace Zora Armor With Magic Armor [Ralf]
041B2FB4 28000030
041B2FBC 38600030

Collection Screen: Replace Magic Armor With Ordon Clothes [Ralf]
041B123C 48000014
041B303C 2800002E
041B3044 3860002E

Collection Screen: Replace Magic Armor With Hero's Clothes [Ralf]
041B303C 2800002F
041B3044 3860002F

Collection Screen: Replace Magic Armor With Zora Armor [Ralf]
041B303C 28000031
041B3044 38600031

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by moep123 » Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:54 am

gamemasterplc wrote:
Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:50 pm
the 2D appears off with the one here
I may need your help then.
I merged the code on the Dolphin Wiki NTSC-U Twilight Princess with the 21:9 Code.
The HUD and Menus now look like it got streched from 4:3 to 16:9.

This is the code I use for 21:9 currently

Code: Select all

04453fd4 4018e38e
0445391c 4018e38e
c22e97f0 00000007
3ca08027 60a52a20
80010114 7c050000
4182001c c222c418
c0030000 ec110032
d0030000 c2229f00
d223000c 38800001
60000000 00000000
c21b76f0 00000002
3c603fad 90610008
c0010008 00000000
c219d8fc 00000002
3c603fab 9062a248
c002a248 00000000
c219dd3c 00000002
3c003f80 9002a248
80010064 00000000
04453900 bf400000
04455e18 3f400000
041fe28c 380002c5
c21fe278 00000002
38a0ff9b b0a48000
38a00000 00000000
c21fe2c0 00000002
38a0ff9b b0a48000
38a00000 00000000
c2182198 00000004
3c603fab 90628000
c01d0100 c2228000
ec110032 d01d0100
387d0100 00000000
c21821a8 00000004
3c603f40 90628000
c01d0100 c2228000
ec110032 d01d0100
7fc3f378 00000000
04453a14 c5000000
04453a30 45800000
c220dfd8 00000003
3c6042ca 90610004
c3810004 c3bf0018
efbde028 00000000
c2214bec 00000003
3c0042ca 90010004
c0410004 ec3e1028
60000000 00000000
c2216b04 00000003
c0240360 3c0042ca
90010004 c0410004
ec22082a 00000000
c2216574 00000003
c0240350 3c0042ca
90010004 c0410004
ec22082a 00000000
c22155a8 00000002
3c00c2ca 900305e8
60000000 00000000
c22158e0 00000002
3c00c2ca 900305ec
60000000 00000000
c2215d60 00000003
3c0042ca 90010004
c0410004 ec3e102a
60000000 00000000
c2218304 00000003
3c0042ca 90010004
c0410004 ec3e1028
60000000 00000000
0421149c 60000000
c22114b8 00000002
3c0042ca 90010004
c0210004 00000000
c22469a4 00000002
3c00c2ca 90010004
c0210004 00000000
c22469f4 00000002
3c00c2ca 90010004
c0210004 00000000
And here you will find some screenshots of how it looks ingame.

Is it possible, that you may guide me on what I may need to do to create such a code for myself?
Any help is really appreciated in making this work like the 16:9 code for NTSC-U on the Dolphin Wiki.

If I am wrong here with my little call for help, sorry. ):
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by rockman7777777 » Mon Nov 08, 2021 9:45 pm

I recently discovered gecko codes and I've been playing around with some in Legend of Zelda Wind Waker and Twilight Princess.

The main code I was interested in was the background music modifier but I noticed that the song that plays when I have that code enabled doesn't have all the sounds. For instance,
04004e00 3fa00100
04004e04 63bd0005
04004e08 482aa224
042af028 4bd55dd8
042af49c 4bfffb74
plays the song for Ordon Village but some of the sounds are missing. Not just this song but it seems every song I try has this problem... Has anyone else encountered this issue and can someone fix it or maybe explain if I'm missing something? I really don't know... If someone could help that would be appreciated. I have the same issue with the background music modifier in Wind Waker, too. I also noticed that some song IDs only produce silence and I'm not sure if that's normal or correct, but maybe it is.

As of now I haven't tried the audio stream modifier code yet but I believe the streamed audio is different than the background music.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Mon Dec 13, 2021 6:45 pm

Code: Select all

16:9 Aspect Ratio v2 (Widescreen) [Ralf]
06003F30 00000068
C002A014 D0040000
C062A030 EC03002A
D0040008 482E58C8
38C0FF9A B0C48000
4E800020 C022A014
C042A708 C062A030
4E800020 3C004391
90040000 3C0043FE
60008000 90040008
482E5148 C001001C
C042A024 EC020028
C0629F04 EC030032
EC020028 4E800020
0400AF3C 4BFF8FF5
041999F0 4BE6A58D
0419BDF0 4BE68165
0419BE78 4BE680DD
041B7628 C0429F1C
041BAD08 4BE4925D
041BAFE0 4BE48F85
041C51A0 4BE3EDB5
041D013C C0429F04
041D0140 ECC11024
041D0144 EC41302A
041D0154 EC003028
041D015C EC001828
041D87B4 4BE2B7A1
041DB604 4BE28951
041DD574 4BE269E1
041DD634 EC40002A
041DD650 60000000
041E3720 4BE20835
041F7808 4BE0C74D
041FE278 4BE05CD1
041FE28C 380002C6
041FE2C0 4BE05C89
0420D7E4 3860FFCD
0423A018 FC20F090
0423DA9C C02294F0
0423DAA0 C042B1C0
042480BC C02294F0
042480C0 C042B304
0442EBF0 C2C20000
0442EC28 C2BC0000
0442EC3C C2BC0000
0442EC54 42AE0000
0442EC58 42AE0000
0442EF18 42CC0000
0442EF28 42B00000
0442EFC8 C2B40000
0442EFD0 C2B40000
0442F670 42A00000
0442FA54 42A80000
04430418 C2CC0000
04430438 C2CC0000
0445391C 3FE79E79
04453A14 C2CC0000
04453A30 444B0000
04454840 C30A0000

Incl. 2D elements.

Debug Area Map Codes

Show World Origin [Ralf]
0042FF53 00000001

Show Region Origin [Ralf]
0042FF54 00000001

Show Stage Origin [Ralf]
0042FF55 00000001

Show World Grid [Ralf]
0042FF56 00000001

Show Region Grid [Ralf]
0042FF57 00000001

Show World Frame [Ralf]
0042FF58 00000001

Show Region Frames [Ralf]
0042FF67 00000001

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Sun May 01, 2022 7:21 am

Code: Select all

Have Fishing Rod [Ralf]
00406270 0000004A

Have Fishing Rod (w/ Worm) [Ralf]
00406270 0000005D

Have Fishing Rod (w/ Larva) [Ralf]
00406270 0000005B

Have Fishing Rod + Earring [Ralf]
00406270 0000005C

Have Fishing Rod + Earring (w/ Worm) [Ralf]
00406270 0000005F

Have Fishing Rod + Earring (w/ Larva) [Ralf]
00406270 0000005E

Turn Into Link/Wolf Anywhere [Ralf]
0424C028 4800004C

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Mon Aug 01, 2022 9:35 am

Code: Select all

Get Items From Anywhere [Ralf]
042642B8 38600001
042652D0 60000000

Bow & Slingshot: Enable Reticle [Ralf]
040DFD44 38000001

Boomerang: Disable Reticle [Ralf]
040E0EBC 38000000

Clawshot: Reticle Always Enabled [Ralf]
04108EC0 38000001

Clawshot: Reticle Always Disabled [Ralf]
04108E48 38000000

Dominion Rod: Disable Reticle [Ralf]
040E1DE0 38000000

Hawkeye: Enable Bow Combo Crosshair [Ralf]
04193D08 60000000

Bow/Hawkeye Combo: Yellow Crosshair [Ralf]
04193D14 3C00A0A0
04193D18 600000FF
04193D1C 90010010
04193D50 3C00A0A0
04193D54 600000FF
04193D58 90010008

Bow/Hawkeye Combo: Crosshair Color Modifier [Ralf]
04193D14 3C00rrgg
04193D18 6000bbFF
04193D1C 90010010
04193D50 3C00rrgg
04193D54 6000bbFF
04193D58 90010008

rr = Red   (00 .. FF)
gg = Green (00 .. FF)
bb = Blue  (00 .. FF)

Defaults: rrggbb = FF0000 (Red)

Boomerang, Clawshot & Dominion Rod: Yellow Reticle [Ralf]
04453678 C0C000FF
0445367C 404000FF

Boomerang, Clawshot & Dominion Rod: Reticle Color Modifier [Ralf]
04453678 r1g1b1FF
0445367C r2g2b2FF

r1 = Foreground Color Red   (00 .. FF)
g1 = Foreground Color Green (00 .. FF)
b1 = Foreground Color Blue  (00 .. FF)
r2 = Background Color Red   (00 .. FF)
g2 = Background Color Green (00 .. FF)
b2 = Background Color Blue  (00 .. FF)


r1g1b1 = FF8000 (Light Red)
r2g2b2 = 321400 (Dark  Red)

Kaixe Sigma
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Kaixe Sigma » Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:35 am

Hey, after looking through every code here, it's basically everything and anything one could ask for - there's just one thing though. I really like the idea of replacing recovery hearts with red rupees, but I'd prefer them to be green instead. Is there some way one could make a code that would make the replacement item chooseable by filling in the variables?

Anyway, excellent work. That 16:9 code with the scaling 2D assets is incredible most of all.

Edit: I actually figured it out - the code would look like this:

Code: Select all

Replace Recovery Hearts With [item]
06003D90 00000020
2C040000 4182000C
2C04001F 40820008
388000xx 7C9C2378
7C9E2378 4E800020
0401C258 4BFE7B39
0401C3F8 4BFE7999
0401C5C8 4BFE77C9

Where xx is item ID. IE, 01 is green rupee, 02 is Blue, 03 is yellow, 04 is red, etc.
But I did have another question. Is there a way to make a variable Spinner time code? Infinite is good, but it never returns to its regular speed and so feels a little goofy. Double spinner time is good, but I honestly think 4 or even 5× base spinner duration might be better. Anyway, again, thanks for all your work.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Wed Nov 02, 2022 8:51 pm

Code: Select all

Wolf: Enable Finishing Attack Option For Most Enemies [Ralf]
040D2A74 4800000C
C213B988 00000006
A81F0008 2C0001DA
41820020 2C0001E1
41820018 38000000
B01F0562 A01F058E
60000002 B01F058E
387E280C 00000000

Replace Recovery Hearts With Green Rupees [Ralf]
06004220 00000020
2C04001F 4182000C
2C040000 40820008
38800001 7C9C2378
7C9E2378 4E800020
0401C258 4BFE7FC9
0401C3F8 4BFE7E29
0401C5C8 4BFE7C59

Recovery Hearts Rupee Replacer [Ralf]
06004220 00000028
2C04001F 41820014
2C040000 40820010
388000xx 48000008
388000yy 7C9C2378
7C9E2378 4E800020
0401C258 4BFE7FC9
0401C3F8 4BFE7E29
0401C5C8 4BFE7C59

xx = Recovery Heart x1 Rupee ID
yy = Recovery Heart x3 Rupee ID

Rupee IDs

01 - Green Rupee
02 - Blue Rupee
03 - Yellow Rupee
04 - Red Rupee
05 - Purple Rupee
06 - Orange Rupee
07 - Silver Rupee

FF - None

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:51 am

Code: Select all

Super Fast Put Away Sword [Ralf]
040B97FC 3BE00001

Never Put Back Rupees Into Treasure Chests [Ralf]
0411A77C 38600000

Can Carry More Rupees v3 [Ralf]
04032AD8 386001F4
04032AE0 386007D0
04032AE8 38601388
041B1520 280001F4
041B1544 280007D0

Wallet       -  500 Rupees
Big Wallet   - 2000 Rupees
Giant Wallet - 5000 Rupees

Can Carry More Rupees Modifier [Ralf]
04032AD8 3860xxxx
04032AE0 3860yyyy
04032AE8 3860zzzz
041B1520 2800xxxx
041B1544 2800yyyy

xxxx = Max       Wallet Rupees (0001 .. 270F, Default:  300 Rupees)
yyyy = Max Big   Wallet Rupees (0001 .. 270F, Default:  600 Rupees)
zzzz = Max Giant Wallet Rupees (0001 .. 270F, Default: 1000 Rupees)

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Spiteful_Guru » Sun Nov 13, 2022 1:48 am

The code to never put rupees back works fantastic, thank you. The Wallet size code acts a bit odd though. For some reason the small wallet's icon is replaced with that of the giant wallet. Sorry to say I never checked the other two. Also, is it possible to make the descriptions match their actual capacity?

I messed with the climb and crawl speed modifiers, too. They're way too fast. I feel they should be like 50 to 70% faster than default. If possible, perhaps you should make a variable template like with the wallets. Seems like another one where there's gonna be differing opinions on what fits best.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Mon Nov 14, 2022 11:12 am

Code: Select all

Can Carry More Rupees Modifier v2 (Incl. Wallet Icons) [Ralf]
04032AD8 3860xxxx
041B1520 2800xxxx
041B3364 2C00xxxx
04032AE0 3860yyyy
041B1544 2800yyyy
041B3358 2C00yyyy
04032AE8 3860zzzz
041B3370 2C00zzzz

xxxx = Max       Wallet Rupees (0001 .. 270F, Default:  300 Rupees)
yyyy = Max Big   Wallet Rupees (0001 .. 270F, Default:  600 Rupees)
zzzz = Max Giant Wallet Rupees (0001 .. 270F, Default: 1000 Rupees)

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by kesterstudios » Sun Jan 15, 2023 3:18 pm

Code: Select all

Moon Jump (R+A) [Twilight Spectre, Kester]
283DD31A 00000120
48000000 8040B878
DE000000 80008180
120004FC 00004260
E2000002 80008000
Kaixe Sigma
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Kaixe Sigma » Thu Mar 02, 2023 2:40 am

Just had an idea. Two, to be precise.
Would it be possible to do either of the following?

1. Spinner time duration modifier (double, triple, half, etc). At the moment, we have double and infinite, and I was thinking a step beyond might be fun.
2. Fall damage modifier. Damage from enemies is fine when doubled, quadrupled, etc, but the damage modifier can make even the smallest fall an instant kill. Maybe it should, but wondering if it would be possible to modify it separately, as fall damage is often calculated in orders of magnitude of hearts, not quarter hearts and such.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Ralf@gc-forever » Sat Mar 04, 2023 8:27 am

Code: Select all

Half Spinner Time [Ralf]
0438EA64 3E4CCCCD
0438EA68 3CA3D70A

Triple Spinner Time [Ralf]
0438EA64 3D088889
0438EA68 3B5A740E

Link: Fall Damage Modifier [Ralf]
040D7070 388000xx
040DAEE0 388000xx
040D7060 388000yy
040DAF40 388000yy

xx = Normal Fall Damage (00 .. FF , Default: 04 = 1 Heart)
yy = Heavy  Fall Damage (00 .. FF , Default: 08 = 2 Hearts)

Wolf: Fall Damage Modifier [Ralf]
04136CD8 388000xx
04136C54 388000yy

xx = Normal Fall Damage (00 .. FF , Default: 04 = 1 Heart)
yy = Heavy  Fall Damage (00 .. FF , Default: 08 = 2 Hearts)

Link/Wolf: Fall Damage Modifier v1 [Ralf]
C20D74CC 00000002
1C8400xx 38E00000
60000000 00000000

xx = Damage Multiplier

Link/Wolf: Fall Damage Modifier v2 [Ralf]
06003630 00000024
9421FFD0 7C0802A6
90010034 39610030
4835EB9D 7C7D1B78
1C8400xx 7C9E2379
480D3C88 00000000
040D74D0 4BF2C161

xx = Damage Multiplier

Unaffected by "Link Takes Damage Multiplier" codes.

Link: No Fall Damage [Ralf]
040D7070 38800000
040DAEE0 38800000
040D7060 38800000
040DAF40 38800000

Link: Half Fall Damage [Ralf]
040D7070 38800002
040DAEE0 38800002
040D7060 38800004
040DAF40 38800004

Link: Double Fall Damage [Ralf]
040D7070 38800008
040DAEE0 38800008
040D7060 38800010
040DAF40 38800010

Wolf: No Fall Damage [Ralf]
04136CD8 38800000
04136C54 38800000

Wolf: Half Fall Damage [Ralf]
04136CD8 38800002
04136C54 38800004

Wolf: Double Fall Damage [Ralf]
04136CD8 38800008
04136C54 38800010

Link/Wolf: Double Fall Damage [Ralf]
06003630 00000024
9421FFD0 7C0802A6
90010034 39610030
4835EB9D 7C7D1B78
1C840002 7C9E2379
480D3C88 00000000
040D74D0 4BF2C161

Unaffected by "Link Takes Damage Multiplier" codes.

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Re: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN/WIIRD/NTSC-U)

Post by Gamer3497 » Fri May 19, 2023 4:30 pm

Hi Ralf, The widescreen v2 has 1 issue

1. The Gale Boomerang lock on target is misaligned on objects and Enemies when moving left and right.
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