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Wii64 Beta 1.1 "Honey" Compatibility Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:45 pm
by deku_scrub
I tryed some games, and all I can say is that this emulator is impressing me!

I tought it would take a long time to an N64 emulator ported for Wii/GC reach this progress.

I cant understand the fact that i tryed the Mupen on PC, and it is kind of bad... seems they are doing a lot of improvements on this port. I think this emulator will be perfect 110% with any game, I can fell it! :lol:

I'm impressed about the Game 'Tarzan' from Disney, it doesn't work with Project 64 1.6 on PC, but it is very good on Wii64, but it doesn't have Sound! :/

So, let's make one compatibility list here, yes there are others on the internet, but... let's make one too. :p

:!: Note: This is for Wii64, the Wii version!

:!: Please write like this:

:!: Game Name (Region) = Status, Notes = 0-100% score.

:arrow: Ex:

:!: Mario Kart 64 (U) - Working very fine = 99%

My list:

Mario Kart 64 (U) - Working very fine = 99%

Super Mario 64 (U) - Very good too = 99%

Banjo-Kazooie (U) - Little Slow, almost playable = 75%

Lego Racers (U) - Slow, but playable, some graphic issues like in Project 64 = 65%

International Superstar Soccer 64 (U) - Sometimes slow in menus, but full speed at playing an game. Graphic issues, it doesn't have floor in the stadium = 85%

Pokémon Stadium (U) - Glitches in the menu, you can't see anything = 35%

Cruisin' USA (U) - Graphic issues, slow = 50%

EarthWorm Jim 3D (U) - Very good, some little issues and slowdown few times = 93%

Mario Tennis 64 (U) - Good, but with graphic issues and a little slowdown sometimes = 85%

A Bug's Life (U) - Few graphical issues and slowdown = 90%

Star Wars Rogue Squadron (U) - Black Screen = 0%

Star Wars Racer (U) - Lots of graphic issues = 25%

StarCraft 64 (U) - Lots of graphic issues and slowdown = 35%

Tarzan (U) - Very good, just few graphic issues, missing things. NO sound = 90%

Turok Dinosaur Hunter (U) - Good! = 89%

Re: Wii64 Beta 1.1 "Honey" Compatibility Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:49 pm
by mikog
Mario Party (U) - works ok some graphical errors, some mini-games might not work at all. = 89%

Mario Party 2 (U) - works ok. music is a little slow, some graphical errors, some mini-games might not work at all. = 88%

Mario Party 3 - works ok. music is a little slow, some graphical errors, some mini-games might not work at all. = 90%

Ready 2 Rumble Round 1 - black screen, no menu. not playable at all. = 0%

Ready 2 Rumble Round 2 - black screen, no menu. not playable at all. = 0%

Mario Golf - flashing white screen in background, music is a little slow = %90

( Edit ) Jet Force Gemini - voices are a little fuzzy, Graphics are almost perfect, can't see in vision goggle room with Lupus. = 78%

oh and i think wii64 is very impressive too. :mrgreen: :D and thats a cool signature, deku_scrub ! :P

Re: Wii64 Beta 1.1 "Honey" Compatibility Discussion

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:34 pm
by GRUMPYx323
{The legend of Zelda ocarina of time (U) works great! at full speed 99%, but with some graphic errors on the menu, other than that the game works!} {The Legend of zelda majora's mask (U) works great same graphic errors as ocarina of time}

Re: Wii64 Beta 1.1 "Honey" Compatibility Discussion

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:23 pm
by adrOck0211
Perhaps it's me but when I load up The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time...the game loads fine and seems to run fine. However no matter how many adjustments I make to the input settings I can't get the classic controller pro to work with the game. The Wii remote works just fine but I have no desire to play the game by tilting the Wii remote to move around. Has anyone been able to play this game with the classic controller pro and if so can you please share your configurations?

It seems as though most of the buttons are working but I can't get it to recognize the left or right stick for movement.

Other than that...great job and great emulator so far. I know this is just the first release so I am looking forward to future releases.

Re: Wii64 Beta 1.1 "Honey" Compatibility Discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:33 pm
by DAbluBOMBERwounder
Pokemon Snap (U) - game plays level one and thats about it and you cant move = 2%
Majoras Mask (U)- very rare sound and image glitches = 99%
MegaMan 64 (U)- some sky issues and some sound glitches = 90%
Super Smash Bros (U)- slows down slightly when playing four players but almost perfect = 96%
F-Zero (U)- Color changes and sometimes wont let you go back in the menu screen= 82%
Donkey Kong 64 (U)- wont even start past intro = 0%
Gauntlet legends (U)- wont start = 0%

Re: Wii64 Beta 1.1 "Honey" Compatibility Discussion

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:14 am
by ar15mex
Hi guys,

I guess there should be more testing protocols for games. Mario Party games Works fine if you activate the FB texture. Sure there are a couple of games that do not work, but overall is fine. Also at 4 players the speed is awesome... I guess there should be more categories for compatibility grades.

For example
Game: Mario Party 2
Region: US

Graphics: 95% (if you put FB ON) or viceversa
Sound: 90% Slow at times at some points loud noises
Speed: Fine 1 player; Fine 4 players

Just a suggestion for more detailed info.. and all the summary should be post it on the first post for easy understanding

Re: Wii64 Beta 1.1 "Honey" Compatibility Discussion

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:56 am
by Tonten
I have just found a place in Bomberman Hero where the emulator crashes every single time and a code dump appears. On Mazone Area 2 in Snowland, if you go past the second snowman enemy and approach the land ahead where the bottomless pit is, the game crashes. You can't even walk around the pit without receiving a code dump error. The best way I can describe it is it's like there is an invisible wall that causes a code dump if you touch it. Not that there really is such an invisible wall in the cartridge retail game, but it's imaginary only to help better explain what happens here.

If you need me to type out what data is on the code dump, I can. Best of luck to the team on the next release of Wii64!

Re: Wii64 Beta 1.1 "Honey" Compatibility Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:52 pm
by julius
Here my experience, I have tested all of them in interpreter, because in dynares they all crash.

Console model:DOL-101
Loading method:SD-Media Launcher

*Super mario 64:Ok (99.9%)
*Mario Kart 64:It works in 50cc cups, in 150cc it crashes (70%)
*Super Smash Bros.: It works but very slow, in Dynarec freezes (75%)
*Mortal Kombat Trilogy: Do not loads (0%)
*Golden Eye: Do not loads (0%)
*Perfect Dark: Do not loads (0%)
*Star Fox 64: Ok (99.9%)
*Sin and Punishment (Tsumi to Batsu): Ok (95%)
*Neon Genesis Evangelion: It shows the game menu, after you select a mode it only shows the EVA control panel when game begins (10%)

Though these are anoying issues, I can´t wait until next version to see the improvements. Keep working guys.

Re: Wii64 Beta 1.1 "Honey" Compatibility Discussion

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:53 pm
by the_randomizer
That's really weird, in Dynarec, the following games work pretty well:

Wii System Menu - 4.3U
SD Card - 8.0GB Kingston SDHC
HBC/Hackmii Version - 1.0.7

-Super Mario 64 (Full speed, no glitches)
-Star Fox 64 (Full speed, no glitches)
-Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
-Megaman 64 (runs okay for the most part)
-Quest 64 (mostly full speed)
-The Legend of Zelda: OoT and MM (mostly full speed)

Here's hoping the new version will be announced very soon! Can't wait to see the improvements in overall stability/speed!

Re: Wii64 Beta 1.1 "Honey" Compatibility Discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:53 am
by Nukatha
Gamecube Dol-001
Running Cube64 1.1
SD: 2gb SD
NTSC, using Component Video Cables in 480p
Booted with SDload, running games off of SD
All using Dynarec

-Super Mario 64: Perfect, except for slowdown at the big mario face.
-F-Zero X- A few minor graphical glitches. The game runs at 50/60 FPS
Mario Kart 64: Getting <20 FPS (Game should run at 30), otherwise okay.
StarFox 64- Fluctuates between full speed and 3/4 speed, works fine
Super Smash Bros.- 2/3 speed or slower at all times

Now, I don't know how the inner workings of this are, but would it be possible to send an entire ROM through the recompiler so that the 'Cube doesn't need to as its running the game?

Re: Wii64 Beta 1.1 "Honey" Compatibility Discussion

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:56 am
by emu_kidid
Nope, not possible because the code can't be statically re-compiled, some games change code at runtime hence the dynamic recompilation. Also, it'd be just as big a change as re-writing the entire emulator ;)

We're still working on bumping up speed and I never lose faith for Gamecube users since Nintendo pulled it off with Majoras Mask!