There is no NTFS support anywhere currently. Although it would be easier to add.
Enhanced mGBA
Re: Enhanced mGBA
My microsd card is 255GB, is there any way to format it to FAT32? Doesn't FAT32 have a limit of 32GBs?
Re: Enhanced mGBA
2TB maybe?
My 128GB SD is formatted as fat32 as far as I know.
My 128GB SD is formatted as fat32 as far as I know.
DMG/MultiFreq OC/EDGB/EZF Jr, AGB/SC miniSD, NTR/NeoMK3, USG/flashme V8/SC miniSD
Zelda WW with Tingle Tuner in split screen was what the GC RF modulator was made for! (Video)
Zelda WW with Tingle Tuner in split screen was what the GC RF modulator was made for! (Video)
Re: Enhanced mGBA
The limit is 2 TiB for a disk with 512-byte sectors.
Re: Enhanced mGBA
I noticed that emgba doesn't work with GBA Video roms like Shrek on the GameCube, but it does work in Windows. I don't understand why though.
Re: Enhanced mGBA
32 MiB ROMs aren't playable due to memory limitations, but 64 MiB ROMs like the Shrek movie should work (don't ask why).
- Diego borella
- Posts: 251
- Joined: Sat Jan 11, 2020 8:37 pm
- Location: Brazil
Re: Enhanced mGBA
if you think of a different scenario... Satoru Iwata designed 50 million NGC sold.
if that number had been reached...
how would NGC memory be expanded?
wouldn't a GBplayer support that?
It's interesting how the Nintendo Wii had a memory hidden in its megabit emproom...
the unknown is that
there is a hook in the function between mGBA {} GBI {} Cartridge slot = memory expansion...

if that number had been reached...
how would NGC memory be expanded?
wouldn't a GBplayer support that?
It's interesting how the Nintendo Wii had a memory hidden in its megabit emproom...
the unknown is that
there is a hook in the function between mGBA {} GBI {} Cartridge slot = memory expansion...


Re: Enhanced mGBA
It's been discussed before but elsewhere, there are RAM expansions in the form of GBA carts, Nintendo itself made one to get along Opera for DS, but it won't be as fast as memory expansion straight on the exp connector, still, it would have to cope with access to the GBPlayer, or the players would have to choose and plug the one they need each time they want one or the other.
Just look at what was done in terms of expansions for the TriForce cabinets. The Ram may have been considered sufficient for this console generation.
To get back on track, videos are read sequentially, so you don't have to store big chunks of memory, only a "minimum" for a FIFO stack. On the other side, games may access almost any adress in a rom, at any time, so you're supposed to be able to do that way faster than a peek on an SD card sector takes. Nonetheless, there existed some workarounds to use bigger size roms than cart's RAM, as there seems in the supercard's rom utility, but I fear it's only for DS's games that are not genuinely read the same way as the GBA ROMs.
Just look at what was done in terms of expansions for the TriForce cabinets. The Ram may have been considered sufficient for this console generation.
To get back on track, videos are read sequentially, so you don't have to store big chunks of memory, only a "minimum" for a FIFO stack. On the other side, games may access almost any adress in a rom, at any time, so you're supposed to be able to do that way faster than a peek on an SD card sector takes. Nonetheless, there existed some workarounds to use bigger size roms than cart's RAM, as there seems in the supercard's rom utility, but I fear it's only for DS's games that are not genuinely read the same way as the GBA ROMs.
DMG/MultiFreq OC/EDGB/EZF Jr, AGB/SC miniSD, NTR/NeoMK3, USG/flashme V8/SC miniSD
Zelda WW with Tingle Tuner in split screen was what the GC RF modulator was made for! (Video)
Zelda WW with Tingle Tuner in split screen was what the GC RF modulator was made for! (Video)
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Nov 29, 2022 1:27 pm
Re: Enhanced mGBA
Running emGBA on a Wii. Bios files are set (gb, gbc, gba, sgb) and appear to be working (I can see the boot logos), but I can't seem to get original Game Boy games to run as if they're on a Game Boy Color (with their default / built-in palettes). I see the option to select a palette for monochrome games (handful of GBC ones, and the full suite of SGB), but no auto-select. GBC games are fine, as are SGB enhanced titles.
Any way I can configure this so that GB games operate as if I was playing on a Game Boy Color/Advance/Player instead of straight monochrome?
Any way I can configure this so that GB games operate as if I was playing on a Game Boy Color/Advance/Player instead of straight monochrome?
Re: Enhanced mGBA
Maybe this can be adressed using the original consoles' ROMS?
GBI has the utility to dump the GBPlayer's one (don't remember if there is one to dump from a GBA with a GBA<->GC cable).
GBA and GBPlayer are supposed to have the same roms, and the GBA behaves like the GBC in regards to "coloring" GB games, but I don't know if E mGBA can use the GBA rom to run GB games.
I must confess I don't use E mGBA that much, because I have plenty of GB/GBA hardware and carts (+flash ones).
GBI has the utility to dump the GBPlayer's one (don't remember if there is one to dump from a GBA with a GBA<->GC cable).
GBA and GBPlayer are supposed to have the same roms, and the GBA behaves like the GBC in regards to "coloring" GB games, but I don't know if E mGBA can use the GBA rom to run GB games.
I must confess I don't use E mGBA that much, because I have plenty of GB/GBA hardware and carts (+flash ones).

DMG/MultiFreq OC/EDGB/EZF Jr, AGB/SC miniSD, NTR/NeoMK3, USG/flashme V8/SC miniSD
Zelda WW with Tingle Tuner in split screen was what the GC RF modulator was made for! (Video)
Zelda WW with Tingle Tuner in split screen was what the GC RF modulator was made for! (Video)
Re: Enhanced mGBA
catching up from so long being away - amazing emulator
quick question, does emgba support cheat codes?

Re: Enhanced mGBA
figured it out by installing mGBA with GUI on my laptop
Metroid II - Return of Samus (World).gb => Metroid II - Return of Samus (World).cheats
Both files in same location and it will apply these gameshark cheats. But does it support codebreaker as well?
Metroid II - Return of Samus (World).gb => Metroid II - Return of Samus (World).cheats
Code: Select all
# Infinite Energy
# Infinite Missiles
Re: Enhanced mGBA
Seems the windows latest build is able to apply encrypted GameGenie codes, but emgba so far not...
Need the level select code for Super Mario Land (World) to avoid being tortured
Any way to convert GameGenie codes to an emgba supported code type?
Code: Select all
# Hard Mode/Level Select
# Invincibility

Re: Enhanced mGBA
Love emgba with its minimal menu... its amazing how smooth it works. Currently playing Zelda Minish Cap... it plays more smoothly than fcgeux and snes9xgx. Not possible to make one ultimate enhanced nes/snes/gba emulator with the minimal gui focused on emulation instead of gui?
the retroarch of nintendo emulation on gamecube 

Re: Enhanced mGBA
The GUI is not the problem.
Re: Enhanced mGBA
Playing Zelda Minish Cap with infinite health cheat. At some stages health should be low to unlock things. Do you know the raw joker command to turn off/on a cheat with combination select+start ?
Re: Enhanced mGBA
Sorry for the delay. I didn't receive the email about your question and I only logged in today after months.
My "Infinite Health" is in ASM. I modified the ROM. And I think it only works when I fall into a hole.
I improved "Invincible" a lot. I can send you the code by PM because it involves other people's credits and I would have to research that. But the character will suffer the change. You would need to ignore that.
And here is an example of what you can do with Joker:
Infinite Health ON/OFF(l/r)
74000130 01FF
8203FFFC 0001
74000130 02FF
8203FFFC 0002
7203FFFC 0001
X = Infinite Health Code
Re: Enhanced mGBA
we should not use decrypted codes with emgba? XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX ? you cannot share the full working code?Andross89 wrote: ↑Sun Jan 19, 2025 11:17 amSorry for the delay. I didn't receive the email about your question and I only logged in today after months.
My "Infinite Health" is in ASM. I modified the ROM. And I think it only works when I fall into a hole.
I improved "Invincible" a lot. I can send you the code by PM because it involves other people's credits and I would have to research that. But the character will suffer the change. You would need to ignore that.
And here is an example of what you can do with Joker:
Infinite Health ON/OFF(l/r)
74000130 01FF
8203FFFC 0001
74000130 02FF
8203FFFC 0002
7203FFFC 0001
X = Infinite Health Code
Re: Enhanced mGBA
It never made sense to me to use encrypted code in an emulator. But there are tools to help you.
As I said, the code I improved probably has lines that other hackers have done in the past and I should credit them if I post it here. I have no interest in doing that research.
Just ask by PM and I will send it to you. It is not a difficult task.