Game Boy Interface/High-Fidelity Edition

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Game Boy Interface
Author(s) Extrems
Type Utility
Version Rolling release
Licence All rights reserved
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A spiritual successor of the ultra-low latency version, Game Boy Interface High-Fidelity Edition (GBIHF) aims to provide the best source quality for further processing or archival. It is less than suitable for direct display connection, and you should be looking at the standard edition or speedrunning edition instead in such case.


Type A (two-handed)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Logitech Speed Force Nintendo 64 Controller Action
A/B Buttons A/B Buttons or Accelerator/Brake Pedals A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
Z Button Z Button Z Button Select
Y Button Y Button Select or Turbo
X Button X Button Start or Turbo
Start/Pause Start/Pause Start Start
+Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad or Steering Wheel +Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad
L/R Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls
(Only with controller adapter)
DK Bongos Controller Active Life Mat Controller Action
Bottom Right/Left Orange Up/Right A/B Buttons
Hand Clap - Button Select
Start/Pause + Button Start
Top Right Blue or Orange Square +Control Pad Right
Top Left Blue Left +Control Pad Left
Blue Up +Control Pad Up
Blue or Orange Down +Control Pad Down

Type B (one-handed)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Nintendo 64 Controller Action
A/B Buttons A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
Z Button Z Button Select
L Button L Button Select or Turbo
R Button R Button Start or Turbo
Start/Pause Start Start
+Control Pad, Control Stick or C Stick +Control Pad, Control Stick or C Buttons +Control Pad
Y/X Buttons L/R Buttons
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls
(Only with controller adapter)
DK Bongos Controller Action
Bottom Right/Left A/B Buttons
Hand Clap Select
Start/Pause Start
Top Left/Right L/R Buttons

Type C (Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Nintendo 64 Controller Action
B/Y Buttons A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
Z Button Z Button Select
Start/Pause Start Start
+Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad
X/A Buttons B/R Buttons or Turbo
L/R Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls
(Only with controller adapter)

Type D (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Nintendo 64 Controller Action
Y/B Buttons A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
Start/Pause Z Button Select
R Button L Button Select or Turbo
L Button R Button Start or Turbo
Z Button Start Start
+Control Pad, Control Stick or C Stick +Control Pad, Control Stick or C Buttons +Control Pad
X/A Buttons L/R Buttons
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls
(Only with controller adapter)

Type E1 (swapped)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Nintendo 64 Controller Action
B/Y Buttons A/B Buttons or Turbo
X/A Buttons A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
Z Button Z Button Select
Start/Pause Start Start
+Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad
L/R Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls back
(Only with controller adapter)

Type E2 (swapped Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Nintendo 64 Controller Action
A/B Buttons A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
Z Button Z Button Select
Start/Pause Start Start
+Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad
Y/X Buttons B/R Buttons or Turbo
L/R Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls back
(Only with controller adapter)

Type E3 (swapped The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Nintendo 64 Controller Action
B/A Buttons A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
Start/Pause Z Button Select
R Button L Button Select or Turbo
L Button R Button Start or Turbo
Z Button Start Start
+Control Pad, Control Stick or C Stick +Control Pad, Control Stick or C Buttons +Control Pad
Y/X Buttons L/R Buttons
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls back
(Only with controller adapter)


Crop up to 8 black lines on the top and bottom for Game Boy Game Paks.
Set controller polling rate. Use if your third-party controller or controller adapter is malfunctioning.
Not applicable to Nintendo 64 Controllers using a passive connector adapter.
0: VSync (most compatible)
1: 1000Hz (default)
2: 500Hz
3: 350Hz
4: 300Hz
5: 250Hz
6: 200Hz
7: 150Hz
8: 150Hz
9: 125Hz
10: 125Hz
11: 100Hz
Note: The polling rate will be doubled or halved in tandem with the refresh rate.
Set autofire interval (default: 0).
When non-zero, duplicate buttons act as turbo A/B Buttons.
Set control scheme. The default is the Game Boy Player Start-up Disc's Controller setting (0 or 1).
0: Type A (two-handed)
1: Type B (one-handed)
2: Type C (Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2)
3: Type D (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)
4: Type E1 (swapped)
6: Type E2 (swapped Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2)
7: Type E3 (swapped The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)
  • --control=0:1:2:3 Set control type A, B, C, D on controller socket 1, 2, 3, 4.
  • --control=4 Set control type E1 on all controller sockets.
Note: A Game Boy Advance used as a controller is a Nintendo GameCube Controller.
Set which duplicate button acts as the turbo modifier key.
0: None (default)
1: A, Select or R Button
2: B, Start or L Button
3: Both
Set function of L/R Buttons with Game Boy Game Paks.
Normally used to switch between wide/normal screen mode.
0: None
1: A/B Buttons
2: Select/Start
3: +Control Pad Right/Left
4: +Control Pad Up/Down
5: L/R Buttons (default)
Set rotation of +Control Pad.
0: 0° (default)
1: 90° clockwise
2: 180°
3: 90° counter-clockwise
Set reset delay (default: 0).
Set video buffering (default: 1). Setting this option to 0 is not recommended.
--movie=<path>, --no-movie
Play input log (default: no).
--movie-record, --no-movie-record
Record input log (default: no).
--palette=<#rgbx,#rgbx,#rgbx,#rgbx>, --palette=<xxxx-xxxx-xxxx>, --no-palette
Apply Super Game Boy color palette (default: no).
  • --palette=719 Set color palette 2-H.
  • --palette=#8000,#AF3F,#FAB7,#FFFF
Note: Press Left + B while the Game Boy logo is visible for proper application on original Game Boy Game Paks.
--lut3d=<path>, --no-lut3d
Load 32x32x32 lookup table in PNG file format (default: no).
Overrides --matrix, --input-gamma, --brightness, --contrast, --saturation and --hue.
Specify lookup table order (default: gbr).
Set color rendering intent (default: perceptual).
Set quick color profile.
Overrides --matrix, --input-gamma, --output-gamma, --brightness, --contrast, --saturation and --hue.
srgb: Emulator
gambatte: Gambatte / higan / ares
gba: Game Boy Advance
gbasp: Game Boy Advance SP (AGS-101)
gbc: Game Boy Color
gbi: Game Boy Interface (2015–2017)
hicolour: Gameboy Hi-Colour Convertor
higan: higan / ares
nds: Nintendo DS
palm: Palm Treo 700p
psp: PlayStation Portable
sloop: Game Boy Advance - Nintendo Switch Online
vba: VisualBoyAdvance-M
Set color matrix (default: identity).
This translates the RGB color primaries to the video RGB color space.
identity: Identity matrix
gambatte: Gambatte / higan / ares
gba: Game Boy Advance (by Pokefan531)
gbasp: Game Boy Advance SP (by Pokefan531)
gbc: Game Boy Color (by Pokefan531)
gbi: Game Boy Interface
hicolour: Gameboy Hi-Colour Convertor (by Pokefan531)
higan: higan / ares
nds: Nintendo DS (by Pokefan531)
palm: Palm Treo 700p (by Pokefan531)
psp: PlayStation Portable (by Pokefan531)
switch: Nintendo Switch - OLED Model (by Pokefan531)
vba: VisualBoyAdvance-M (by Pokefan531)
--daltonize=<normal|protan|deutan|tritan>, --anomalize=<normal|protan|deutan|tritan>
Set color blindness compensation and/or simulation (default: normal).
normal: Trichromat
protan: Protanope
deutan: Deuteranope
tritan: Tritanope
Set gamma (default: 2.2).
Overrides --input-alpha.
Set alpha for piecewise parametric curve (default: 0.0).
Specify screen gamma (default: 2.2).
Overrides --output-alpha.
Specify screen alpha for piecewise parametric curve (default: 0.0).
Set lift (default: 0.0).
Set gain (default: 1.0).
  • --contrast=.63084590435028076171875:.753039896488189697265625:1. D93 to D65.
  • --contrast=1.:.8377325534820556640625:.63084590435028076171875 D65 to D93.
Set color saturation (default: 1.0).
Set color hue shift (default: 0).
Set audio gain (default: 0.75).
Note: GCVideo-DVI v2.4b and earlier reduces volume down to a quarter of this value.
Set sound mode. The default is the Sound Mode system setting (mono or stereo).
mono: Mono downmix
stereo: Stereo
Note: GCVideo-Lite has swapped audio channels.
Use PWM decoder (default).
Use 2MHz biquad filter. Defaults to a second-order low-pass filter with a cut-off of 10kHz and a quality factor of √2 if not specified.
This is used to simulate the RLC circuit on the Game Boy Advance's Headphone Jack, providing a treble boost.
Use low-pass filter similar to the Game Boy Player Start-up Disc.
Set video color space (default: ycc601).
This should only be changed when the output is analog Y’P’BP’R or digital Y’C’BC’R.
gray: Grayscale
ycc601: IEC 61966-2-4 xvYCC601
ycc709: IEC 61966-2-4 xvYCC709
ycc2020: ITU-R BT.2020 Y’C’BC’R
rgb601: IEC 61966-2-1 sRGB
rgb709: ITU-R BT.709 R’G’B’
rgb2020: ITU-R BT.2020 R’G’B’
Note: GCVideo-Lite or GCVideo-DVI v2.4d-2 and earlier will interpolate C’R/R’ and C’B/B’ samples.
Specify chroma sample location (default: center).
If non-center, this will interpolate Y’/G’ samples in 4:4:4 processing mode. C’R/R’ and C’B/B’ are always downsampled in 4:2:2 processing mode.
left: GCVideo-DVI (Chroma Interpolation)
right: GCVideo-Lite
Set video format (default: custom).
ntsc: NTSC-J
pal: PAL-B/G/D/K/I
pal-m: PAL-M
ntsc-50: NTSC-50
pal-60: PAL-60
hd60: HDTV (60Hz)
hd50: HDTV (50Hz)
hd48: HDTV (48Hz)
Note: GCVideo-DVI is only designed to support NTSC-J, PAL-B/G/D/K/I and PAL-60.
AVE N-DOL can only output CVBS or Y/C as NTSC-J, PAL-M or NTSC-50.
AVE P-DOL can only output CVBS as PAL-B/G/D/K/I or PAL-60.
Set screen position.
Set screen size. The minimum is 480:320.
Set screen crop size.
border, no-border
Enable 4:3 border generation for GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later (default: yes).
Set scan mode. The default is the Progressive Scan Mode system setting (non-interlace or progressive).
interlace: 15 or 18-22kHz interlaced (480i@60Hz; 576i@50Hz; 720i@48-60Hz)
quasi-interlace: 15 or 18-22kHz segmented frame (480sf@30Hz; 576sf@25Hz; 720sf@24-30Hz)
non-interlace: 15 or 18-22kHz progressive (240p@60Hz; 288p@50Hz; 360p@48-60Hz)
non-progressive: 31 or 27-33kHz interlaced (960i@60Hz; 1152i@50Hz; 1080i@48-60Hz)
progressive: 31 or 27-33kHz progressive (480p@60Hz; 576p@50Hz; 540p@48-60Hz)
clock2x, no-clock2x
Enable 27MHz pixel clock (default: auto). Enabling doubles the refresh rate for interlace scan modes. Disabling halves the refresh rate for progressive scan modes.
This depend on a compatible video encoder or transmitter not mangling its input.
size2x, no-size2x
Enable pixel doubling and force 4:4:4 processing mode (default: auto). Enabling halves the refresh rate.
This depend on a compatible video encoder or transmitter not mangling its input.
strobe, no-strobe
Enable black frame insertion (default: no). Enabling halves the frame rate.
--usb, --no-usb
Enable USB Gecko features (default: yes).
--enhance, --no-enhance
Enable Game Boy Player enhancements (default: yes).
Title Feature(s)
Drill Dozer Rumble
Game Boy Advance Video Series Not compatible
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Rumble, reduced contrast
Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire Rumble
Shikakui Atama o Maru Kusuru Advance: Kanji Keisanhen Rumble, restored contrast
Shikakui Atama o Maru Kusuru Advance: Kokugo Sansuu Shakai Rikahen Rumble, restored contrast
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 Rumble, restored gamma
Note: Remove any accessory from the External Extension Connector, or the Rumble Feature will not work.
If you're using an EverDrive-GBA, make sure to turn off Quick Boot in the options, or the enhancements may not work.
Load Game Boy Advance multi-bootable ROM.
Note: Remove any accessory from the External Extension Connector, or the program will not load.
The e-Reader need to be pulled out slightly from the Game Pak Slot for a program to be loaded and interact with the e-Reader.

Any file path can be relative or absolute. The working directory is the first, non-empty GBI/ directory found in Memory Card Slot A, Memory Card Slot B, Serial Port 2, or GC Loader. The device can be specified with the prefix carda:, cardb:, sd:, or dvd:.


Audio quality

Video quality (480i/p)

Using SSIMULACRA, DSSIM 3.1.0, and FFmpeg 4.4 for SSIM & PSNR, with this reference image.

The analog-to-digital conversion parameters were calibrated for each source and device pair when possible.
This isn't representative of relative signal strength. Sorting by SSIMULACRA provide a fairly accurate ranking.

If you'd like to see additional data or more products tested, please support the author on Patreon.

Blackmagic Intensity Shuttle

Using ADV7180 and ADV7604.

This 10-bit YCBCR 4:2:2 capture device is most representative of what you might see on a digital television.
As chroma is shifted right on YPBPR in/out, this was corrected in post-processing. Video and S-Video in/out suffer from internal interference.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Generic S-Video Cable exhibits a checkerboard pattern when audio isn't connected.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Undesirable first-order hold on chroma samples.
  3. GCVideo-Lite has chroma shifted right.
  4. 4.0 4.1 EON GCHD Mk-II's analog output suffers from 54MHz and harmonic interference.
  5. GCVideo-DVI v2.4a and earlier has CB shifted left in the Green channel of RGB outputs.
Measurements in dB
CVBS Nintendo Stereo AV Cable (NTSC-J) -9.240295 -17.650904 9.113080 26.230614
CVBS Nintendo Stereo AV Cable (PAL-M) -9.201585 -17.635094 9.266401 26.258677
Y/C Generic S-Video Cable (NTSC-J) -10.333813 -21.305827 9.665270 28.114733
Y/C Generic S-Video Cable (PAL-M) -9.613201 -20.571086 8.940419 27.562406
RGBCVS HD Retrovision SNES Component Cable -10.994397 -24.119836 11.909565 30.240476
YPBPR Bitfunx/Kaico GameCube Component Cable & Retro-Bit Retro Prism Component Cable -12.177094 -25.616478 11.833698 30.903891
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480i) + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -11.129232 -23.353008 11.015005 29.622180
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480i) + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -11.008637 -23.771504 10.756515 29.733275
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480p) + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -10.924886 -22.486894 11.437944 28.814303
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480p) + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -10.961547 -22.668726 11.709875 28.666443
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -11.745416 -24.960333 11.557802 30.870581
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -11.823827 -25.531449 11.666174 30.782310
YPBPR GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later + Portta HDMI to YPbPr Converter -11.529594 -25.421901 11.843748 31.035720
YPBPR Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable -10.900181 -22.505819 12.052110 28.699952
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable -11.918474 -24.802715 12.296097 30.858279
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v2.4a and earlier -11.295141 -24.125068 13.002043 30.700228
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v2.4b and later -12.061597 -25.892260 13.572411 30.754753
TMDS EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HDMI Cable -13.387504 -30.220674 14.019783 32.655669
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later -26.757543 -45.327662 24.748498 50.132255

"Can't Link"

Using MS2109.

Measurements in dB
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later (MJPG) -11.665900 -24.046911 11.041204 30.845894
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later (YUY2) -12.404198 -23.795062 11.683967 30.481554

Datapath VisionRGB

Using AD9887A.

This range of 8-bit RGB 4:4:4 capture cards serve as our reference.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 EON GCHD Mk-II's analog output suffers from 54MHz and harmonic interference.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Undesirable first-order hold on chroma samples.
  3. GCVideo-DVI v2.4a and earlier has CB shifted left in the Green channel of RGB outputs.
Measurements in dB
RGBCVS HD Retrovision SNES Component Cable 4× Oversampling ADC -15.925540 -27.180932 15.806164 35.753032
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480i) + Datel Wii HD Component Cable 2× Undersampling ADC -19.200614 -37.130312 13.860572 41.699780
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480i) + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable 2× Undersampling ADC -16.863238 -36.047663 10.659546 39.569547
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480i) + Datel Wii HD Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 2× Undersampling ADC -22.323556 -40.305977 17.362421 45.116109
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480i) + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 2× Undersampling ADC -22.573935 -40.628929 17.737755 45.675859
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480p) + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -14.075873 -28.146407 12.341793 31.634624
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480p) + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -13.266014 -28.204209 9.916441 31.202246
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480p) + Datel Wii HD Component Cable 4× Oversampling ADC -12.772003 -25.568945 14.994420 31.011696
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480p) + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable 4× Oversampling ADC -14.278214 -28.299856 14.727669 32.038702
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480p) + Datel Wii HD Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -14.057546 -28.276383 14.787570 31.886085
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II (480p) + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -14.082391 -28.248147 14.845414 31.825589
RGSB EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -23.165253 -38.387819 17.283093 46.437449
RGSB EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -20.839709 -38.995401 13.715459 46.187558
RGSB EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable 4× Oversampling ADC -17.152884 -31.581862 13.897661 38.550358
RGSB EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable 4× Oversampling ADC -26.211797 -43.487925 15.353564 49.763166
RGSB EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -24.966661 -42.092098 17.089931 49.815191
RGSB EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -26.191378 -42.754356 17.619588 50.258804
RGSB Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable -24.651652 -37.799705 16.608604 45.823305
RGSB Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -24.742648 -39.022873 17.065324 46.608796
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v2.4a and earlier -11.669476 -24.439556 15.626441 31.413426
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v2.4b and later -13.446035 -26.536529 16.788036 31.747315
TMDS EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HDMI Cable -39.408684 -47.705310 33.474729 52.385668
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later -42.226940 -53.323374 51.065153 66.290202
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later 5-5-5 Bits -Infinity -Infinity Infinity Infinity

Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1850

Using CX23888.

This 8-bit YCBCR 4:2:2 capture card show the advantages of 3D comb filtering.

Video quality (360p)

Using SSIMULACRA, DSSIM 3.1.0, and FFmpeg 4.4 for SSIM & PSNR, with this reference image.

The analog-to-digital conversion parameters were calibrated for each source and device pair when possible.
This isn't representative of relative signal strength. Sorting by SSIMULACRA provide a fairly accurate ranking.

If you'd like to see additional data or more products tested, please support the author on Patreon.

RetroTINK-5X Pro

Using firmware v1.55.

  1. 1.0 1.1 EON GCHD Mk-II's analog output suffers from 54MHz and harmonic interference.
  2. GCVideo-DVI v2.4d-2 and earlier prevents use of the full active area.
Measurements in dB
YPBPR Bitfunx/Kaico GameCube Component Cable & Retro-Bit Retro Prism Component Cable -21.408734 -25.523011 11.475737 22.955342
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -25.928118 -33.977173 13.252787 31.515272
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -25.648250 -33.935303 12.777585 31.593359
YPBPR GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later + Portta HDMI to YPbPr Converter -24.883454 -32.859882 13.781837 34.048769
YPBPR Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable -4.920715 -7.806496 4.496849 12.124607
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable -24.313316 -34.200503 16.505917 35.960657

Video quality (1080i)

Using SSIMULACRA, DSSIM 3.1.0, and FFmpeg 4.4 for SSIM & PSNR, with this reference image.

The analog-to-digital conversion parameters were calibrated for each source and device pair when possible.
This isn't representative of relative signal strength. Sorting by SSIMULACRA provide a fairly accurate ranking.

If you'd like to see additional data or more products tested, please support the author on Patreon.

Blackmagic Intensity Shuttle

Using ADV7604.

This 10-bit YCBCR 4:2:2 capture device is most representative of what you might see on a digital television.
As chroma is shifted right on YPBPR in/out, this was corrected in post-processing.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Undesirable first-order hold on chroma samples.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Missing a reconstruction filter. If an anti-aliasing filter is also missing, pixel width will be uneven.
  3. GCVideo-Lite has CB shifted right and CR shifted left, then both shifted right.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 EON GCHD Mk-II's analog output suffers from 54MHz and harmonic interference.
  5. 5.0 5.1 GCVideo-DVI v2.4c and earlier has CB shifted right and CR shifted left.
  6. 6.0 6.1 EON CUSTOM v2.4c.2 repeats the first pixel and loses the last.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Suffering from 54MHz interference visible as vertical bands.
Measurements in dB (Relaxed)
YPBPR Bitfunx/Kaico GameCube Component Cable & Retro-Bit Retro Prism Component Cable -12.766442 -23.912045 12.002178 31.570151
YPBPR Bitfunx/Kaico GameCube Component Cable & Retro-Bit Retro Prism Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -14.240195 -25.346381 11.946654 32.226028
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -11.218150 -20.294362 10.145642 27.976400
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -10.813577 -20.404723 9.404068 27.937689
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -14.146244 -28.136581 11.422367 34.616801
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -13.401739 -28.676316 10.047574 34.389782
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -14.631272 -26.924198 12.307257 34.300344
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -14.846140 -27.446046 12.342375 34.450169
YPBPR Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable -13.351651 -20.946216 11.747847 28.657726
YPBPR Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -12.614719 -19.572225 11.677416 27.557869
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable -12.589788 -24.745754 11.944957 32.255651
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -12.795929 -24.353736 12.085284 32.112010
Measurements in dB (Strict)
YPBPR Bitfunx/Kaico GameCube Component Cable & Retro-Bit Retro Prism Component Cable -11.409886 -17.542315 11.149022 26.598855
YPBPR Bitfunx/Kaico GameCube Component Cable & Retro-Bit Retro Prism Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -11.217207 -17.865553 11.066684 26.733891
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -11.218150 -20.294362 10.145642 27.976400
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -10.813577 -20.404723 9.404068 27.937689
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -10.061879 -18.943233 10.650207 26.127405
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -9.702461 -18.739124 9.453072 25.640686
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -10.504041 -19.222887 11.462010 26.505730
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -10.369509 -19.241636 11.463985 26.369512
YPBPR Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable -13.351651 -20.946216 11.747847 28.657726
YPBPR Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -12.614719 -19.572225 11.677416 27.557869
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable -12.589788 -24.745754 11.944957 32.255651
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -12.795929 -24.353736 12.085284 32.112010

Datapath VisionRGB

Using AD9887A.

This range of 8-bit RGB 4:4:4 capture cards serve as our reference.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Undesirable first-order hold on chroma samples.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Missing a reconstruction filter. If an anti-aliasing filter is also missing, pixel width will be uneven.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 EON GCHD Mk-II's analog output suffers from 54MHz and harmonic interference.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 GCVideo-DVI v2.4c and earlier has CB shifted right and CR shifted left.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 EON CUSTOM v2.4c.2 repeats the first pixel and loses the last.
  6. Suffering from 54MHz interference visible as vertical bands.
  7. GCVideo-DVI v2.4a and earlier has CB shifted left in the Green channel of RGB outputs.
Measurements in dB (Relaxed)
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -11.329061 -20.171909 10.279903 27.990232
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -11.260468 -20.297793 9.352765 27.995439
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -16.452706 -30.646033 11.618009 37.371300
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -16.341529 -32.660397 9.958545 36.774390
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -17.186507 -32.126545 14.702635 38.196510
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -18.770180 -35.512602 15.088919 39.872670
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable -14.441559 -26.453529 14.616500 34.078794
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -14.466397 -26.042900 15.807630 33.786928
RGBHV Insurrection Industries CARBY + Manhattan HDMI to VGA Converter -11.337228 -20.057998 13.981769 28.675147
RGBHV Insurrection Industries CARBY v2.4c + Manhattan HDMI to VGA Converter -11.573836 -19.682595 13.696418 28.674923
RGBHV EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Manhattan HDMI to VGA Converter -19.614513 -32.469447 17.092819 42.283870
RGBHV Insurrection Industries CARBY v2.4d-2 + Manhattan HDMI to VGA Converter -15.191898 -24.366880 15.215643 32.477806
Measurements in dB (Strict)
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -11.329061 -20.171909 10.279903 27.990232
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -11.260468 -20.297793 9.352765 27.995439
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -9.628042 -18.263701 10.631144 25.247548
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -9.547417 -17.686642 9.264280 24.559405
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -10.150039 -18.334755 12.760222 25.386722
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -10.115572 -18.222667 12.850003 25.183900
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable -14.441559 -26.453529 14.616500 34.078794
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -14.466397 -26.042900 15.807630 33.786928
RGBHV Insurrection Industries CARBY + Manhattan HDMI to VGA Converter -11.337228 -20.057998 13.981769 28.675147
RGBHV Insurrection Industries CARBY v2.4c + Manhattan HDMI to VGA Converter -11.573836 -19.682595 13.696418 28.674923
RGBHV EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Manhattan HDMI to VGA Converter -9.843740 -17.321359 13.852164 24.662837
RGBHV Insurrection Industries CARBY v2.4d-2 + Manhattan HDMI to VGA Converter -15.191898 -24.366880 15.215643 32.477806

Portta YPbPr to HDMI Converter

Using MS9282.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Undesirable first-order hold on chroma samples.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Missing a reconstruction filter. If an anti-aliasing filter is also missing, pixel width will be uneven.
  3. GCVideo-Lite has CB shifted right and CR shifted left, then both shifted right.
  4. 4.0 4.1 EON GCHD Mk-II's analog output suffers from 54MHz and harmonic interference.
  5. 5.0 5.1 EON CUSTOM v2.4c.2 repeats the first pixel and loses the last.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Suffering from 54MHz interference visible as vertical bands.
Measurements in dB (Relaxed)
YPBPR Bitfunx/Kaico GameCube Component Cable & Retro-Bit Retro Prism Component Cable -8.914416 -19.106106 5.712628 18.427626
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -9.972670 -24.481153 6.596356 22.770356
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -9.599311 -24.762729 5.880444 22.741482
YPBPR Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable -9.519411 -21.189848 6.997911 22.974619
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable -10.052794 -24.818514 7.323158 23.531506
Measurements in dB (Strict)
YPBPR Bitfunx/Kaico GameCube Component Cable & Retro-Bit Retro Prism Component Cable -8.044763 -16.331843 5.575817 18.097944
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -7.754196 -17.895709 6.025700 20.880210
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -7.696149 -17.808942 5.823661 21.021095
YPBPR Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable -9.519411 -21.189848 6.997911 22.974619
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable -10.052794 -24.818514 7.323158 23.531506

Sound emulation

Mega Man Zero 2

Pokémon Sapphire

3D lookup table

Metroid: Zero Mission

Pokémon Sapphire

Color blindness

Pokémon Puzzle Challenge

Color matrix

Golden Sun

Mario Kart: Super Circuit

Pokémon Sapphire

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Wario Land 4


Color emulation

Game Boy Advance

GBI Game Boy Advance.png

Using a contrast ratio of 250:1.


Game Boy Advance SP (AGS-101)

GBI Game Boy Advance SP.png

Using a contrast ratio of 600:1.


Game Boy Color

GBI Game Boy Color.png

Using a contrast ratio of 75:1.


Nintendo DS

GBI Nintendo DS.png

Using a contrast ratio of 600:1.


Palm Treo 700p

GBI Palm Treo 700p.png

Using a contrast ratio of 75:1.


PlayStation Portable

GBI PlayStation Portable.png

Using a contrast ratio of 750:1.


Color restoration

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

This game reduces contrast when played with Game Boy Player enhancements.


Super Mario Bros. 3: Super Mario Advance 4

This game reduces gamma when played without Game Boy Player enhancements.


The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons

This game reduces gamma when played on a Game Boy Advance. Due to Game Boy Color limitations, only shadows can be restored perfectly.



Nintendo Switch Online

Game Boy Advance
GBIHF NSO Game Boy Advance.png

Video optimization

Datapath VisionAV & VisionRGB

GCVideo-DVI v2.4b and later

Refer to RetroRGB for OBS Studio configuration.

GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later

These settings provide a 2× scaled image in a 3:2 480×320p59.7276 video output.

In the GCVideo menu under "Other settings", set "Enhanced DVI mode" to Off.
In the GCVideo menu under "Advanced settings", set "Chroma Interpolation" and "Fix resolution" to Off, and "Digital color format" to YC444.

Included as gbihf-vision.cli, gbihf-vision.dol+cli and gbihf-vision.gci. Transcribed below for reference.

160p SMPTE color bars 2x.png
  • Color Adjustments
    • Brightness: 32
    • Contrast: 128
    • Colour Domain: RGB (709) Limited

Datapath VisionRGB

Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable

These settings provide a 2× scaled image in a 3:2 480p59.7276 (27MHz÷866÷522) video output.

Included as gbihf-vision.cli, gbihf-vision.dol+cli and gbihf-vision.gci. Transcribed below for reference.

GBIHF AD9887A Component LPF.png
  • Resolution and Refresh
    • Width: 480
    • Height: 320
    • Vertical Refresh: 59.72
  • Video Adjustments
    • Horizontal Position: 247
    • Horizontal Size: 866
    • Phase: 28
    • Vertical Position: 116
    • Black Level: 8
  • Cropping
    • Top: 0
    • Left: 0
    • Width: 480
    • Height: 320
  • Color Adjustments
    • Brightness: 32
    • Contrast: 128
    • Colour Domain: RGB (601)
    • Colour Balance
      • All Colors
        • Brightness: 32
        • Contrast: 128
      • Red
        • Brightness: 164
        • Contrast: 196
      • Green
        • Brightness: 178
        • Contrast: 160
      • Blue
        • Brightness: 156
        • Contrast: 196

Open Source Scan Converter

These settings provide a 2× scaled image in a 4:3 360p60 (13.5MHz÷600÷375 or 27MHz÷1200÷375) video output. They require firmware v0.82 or later.

If you have a GCDual or EON GCHD Mk-II, under "Other settings", set "Analog output" (Wii RGB Cable) or "Mode Select" (Wii Component Cable) to dYUV.
If you're using a Wii RGB Cable: In the OSSC menu under "Settings opt", set "Auto AV1 Y/Gs" to YPbPr.

If you're using GCVideo-DVI with a HDMI to YPbPr Converter: In the OSSC menu under "Sync opt.", set "Vsync threshold" to 14.92 us or higher.

Included as gbihf-ossc.cli, gbihf-ossc.dol+cli and gbihf-ossc.gci. Transcribed below for reference.

Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable (1080p)

In the OSSC menu under "Output opt.", set "384p/400p proc" to Line2x 240x360 (720p) or Line3x 240x360 (1080p).
In the OSSC menu under "Sampling opt." and "Adv. timing", set "H. samplerate" to 300 and "Sampling phase" as needed.

These settings provide a 2× scaled image in a 4:3 360p59.762 (13.5MHz÷604÷374 or 27MHz÷1208÷374) video output.


In the OSSC menu under "Sampling opt." and "Adv. timing", set "H. samplerate" to 302 and "Sampling phase" as needed.

This is best used with:

  • Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable
  • Nintendo GameCube D-Terminal Video Cable
  • Nintendo GameCube RGB Cable

This is compatible with:

  • EON GCHD Mk-II + Wii Component Cable
  • EON GCHD Mk-II + Wii RGB Cable
  • GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later + digital-to-analog converter
  • GCVideo-Lite
  • HD Retrovision SNES Component Cable

This is not compatible with:

  • GCVideo-DVI v2.4d-2 and earlier
  • Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable

These settings provide a 2× scaled image in a 4:3 360p60 (27MHz÷1200÷375) video output. They require firmware v0.82 or later.
These settings are applicable to the Bitfunx/Kaico GameCube Component Cable and Retro-Bit Retro Prism Component Cable. They will be updated as more mitigations are implemented.


In the OSSC menu under "Output opt.", set "384p/400p proc" to Line2x 240x360 (720p) or Line3x 240x360 (1080p).
In the OSSC menu under "Sampling opt." and "Adv. timing", set "H. samplerate" to 300 and "Sampling phase" as needed.

Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable

These settings provide a 1× scaled image in a 3:2 240p59.7276 (13.5MHz÷866÷261) video output. Refer to FirebrandX for Open Source Scan Converter configuration.
These settings are also applicable to other GCVideo-DVI products with a digital-to-analog converter. They are not applicable to GCVideo-Lite.

Included as gbihf-ossc+carby.cli, gbihf-ossc+carby.dol+cli and gbihf-ossc+carby.gci. Transcribed below for reference.


Important: Misuse will result in the wrong aspect ratio. These settings are mutually exclusive with a secondary display.


GCVideo-DVI v2.4b and later

These settings provide a 1× scaled image in a 3:2 720×240p59.7276 video output.

In the GCVideo menu under "240p settings", set "Linedoubler" to Off.

Included as gbihf-ossc+carby.cli, gbihf-ossc+carby.dol+cli and gbihf-ossc+carby.gci. Transcribed below for reference.


In the RT4K menu under "HDMI Output" and "Transmitter", set "Sync Lock" to Frame.
In the RT4K menu under "Advanced Settings", "Scaling/Crop Setup" and "Input Crop", set "Top Trim" to -40 and "Bottom Trim" to -40.
In the RT4K menu under "Advanced Settings", "Scaling/Crop Setup" and "Scaler", set "Aspect Correction" to 1:1 (Sq. Pixel).
In the RT4K menu under "Advanced Settings", "Image Processing" and "Gamma/Linear Light/HDR", set "Input Factor" to 2.2 and "Output Factor" to match the display (if unknown, assume 2.2 for PC and 2.4 for TV).
In the RT4K menu under "Advanced Settings", "HDMI Receiver Setup" and "Input Decimation", set "Input Pixels" to 2 (Output: 360) and "Initial Phase" to whichever is sharper.

If you have no intention of using a color profile or 3D LUT: In the RT4K menu under "Advanced Settings", "Image Processing" and "Gamma/Linear Light/HDR", set "Bit Crush" to 3 bits Removed.

GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later

These settings provide a 2× scaled image in a 3:2 480×320p59.7276 or 5:3 480×288p59.7276 video output.

In the GCVideo menu under "Other settings", set "Enhanced DVI mode" to On.
In the GCVideo menu under "Advanced settings", set "Fix resolution" to Off and "Digital color format" to YC422.

Included as gbihf-rt4k-hdmi.cli, gbihf-rt4k-hdmi.dol+cli and gbihf-rt4k-hdmi.gci. Transcribed below for reference.


In the RT4K menu under "HDMI Output" and "Transmitter", set "Sync Lock" to Gen.
In the RT4K menu under "Advanced Settings", "Image Processing" and "Gamma/Linear Light/HDR", set "Input Factor" to 2.2 and "Output Factor" to match the display (if unknown, assume 2.2 for PC and 2.4 for TV).
In the RT4K menu under "Advanced Settings", "HDMI Receiver Setup" and "Colorspace", set "4:2:2 Upsampler" to Nearest and "Input Range" to RGB Lim.

If you have no intention of using a color profile or 3D LUT: In the RT4K menu under "Advanced Settings", "Image Processing" and "Gamma/Linear Light/HDR", set "Bit Crush" to 3 bits Removed.

RetroTINK-5X Pro

These settings provide a 2× scaled image in a 4:3 360p60 (13.5MHz÷600÷375 or 27MHz÷1200÷375) video output. They require firmware v1.28 or later.

If you're using GCVideo-DVI v3.0 or later, under "Advanced settings", set "Chroma Interpolation" to Off.
If you have a GCDual or EON GCHD Mk-II with firmware v2.4c.2, under "Other settings", set "Pixel Average" to Off and "Mode Output" to dYUV.
If you have a EON GCHD Mk-II with original firmware, under "Other settings", set "Mode Select" to dYUV.

Included as gbihf-ossc.cli, gbihf-ossc.dol+cli and gbihf-ossc.gci. Transcribed below for reference.

Portta HDMI to YPbPr Converter (1920x1440p)

In the RT5X menu, set "H. Sampling" to GBI Optimal, "Interpolation" to Sharp, and "Vertical Sync" to Frame Lock.
Do not set "Output Res." to 1200p unless you have a 16:10 monitor. If set to 1920x1440p, change the Aspect Ratio on the display to 4:3.

This is compatible with:

  • EON GCHD Mk-II + Wii Component Cable
  • EON GCHD Mk-II + Wii RGB Cable (firmware v3.0c and later)
  • GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later + digital-to-analog converter
  • GCVideo-Lite
  • Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable
  • Nintendo GameCube D-Terminal Video Cable
  • Nintendo GameCube RGB Cable

This is not compatible with:

  • EON GCHD Mk-II + Wii RGB Cable (firmware v2.4c.2 and earlier)
  • GCVideo-DVI v2.4d-2 and earlier
  • HD Retrovision SNES Component Cable
  • Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable
  • Nintendo GameCube S-Video Cable
  • Nintendo GameCube Stereo AV Cable

These settings provide a 2× scaled image in a 4:3 360p60 (27MHz÷1200÷375) video output. They require firmware v1.28 or later.
These settings are applicable to the Bitfunx/Kaico GameCube Component Cable and Retro-Bit Retro Prism Component Cable. They will be updated as more mitigations are implemented.


In the RT5X menu, set "H. Sampling" to GBI Optimal, "Interpolation" to Sharp, and "Vertical Sync" to Frame Lock.
Do not set "Output Res." to 1200p unless you have a 16:10 monitor. If set to 1920x1440p, change the Aspect Ratio on the display to 4:3.

Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable

These settings provide a 1× scaled image in a 3:2 240p59.7276 (13.5MHz÷866÷261) video output. They require firmware v2.39 or later.
These settings are also applicable to other GCVideo-DVI products with a digital-to-analog converter. They are not applicable to GCVideo-Lite.

Included as gbihf-ossc+carby.cli, gbihf-ossc+carby.dol+cli and gbihf-ossc+carby.gci. Transcribed below for reference.


Important: Misuse will result in the wrong aspect ratio. These settings are mutually exclusive with a secondary display.

In the RT5X menu under "Output Res.", choose 1080p (Under).
In the RT5X menu under "H. Sampling", set "Preset" to Gen/Sat 320, "Phase Detect" to 3 of 4 and "ADC Samp./Line" to 1732.
In the RT5X menu under "Video ADC", set "SDTV LPF" to Light and "ADC Phase" to 315.00 Deg.
In the RT5X menu under "Scaling/Crop", set "H Position" to -12, "V Position" to +1, "H (Interp) Size" to +0 pix, "V Size" to +0%, "H Crop Start" to 664, "H Crop End" to 1624, "V Crop Start" to 244 and "V Crop End" to 887.
In the RT5X menu under "Interp./Deint.", set "Vertical Filter" to Sharp.
In the RT5X menu under "HDMI", set "V-Sync" to Frame Lock.

XRGB-mini Framemeister

These settings provide a 1× scaled image in a 3:2 240p59.7387 (13.5MHz÷856÷264 or 27MHz÷1712÷264) video output. Refer to FirebrandX for XRGB-mini Framemeister configuration.

Included as gbihf-xrgb.cli, gbihf-xrgb.dol+cli and gbihf-xrgb.gci. Transcribed below for reference.


Important: Misuse will result in the wrong aspect ratio. These settings are mutually exclusive with a secondary display.

Computer monitors (Cathode-ray tube)

These settings provide a 2× scaled image in a 4:3 360p119.524 (27MHz÷604÷374) video output with black frame insertion.

If you're using GCVideo-DVI, under "Advanced settings", set "Chroma Interpolation" and "Fix resolution" to Off.

Included as gbihf-direct-vga.cli, gbihf-direct-vga.dol+cli and gbihf-direct-vga.gci. Transcribed below for reference.


High-definition televisions

Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable

These settings provide a 5.5× scaled image in a 16:9 1080i60 (27MHz÷800÷1125) video output.

Included as gbihf-direct-ypbpr.cli, gbihf-direct-ypbpr.dol+cli and gbihf-direct-ypbpr.gci. Transcribed below for reference.


Change the Aspect Ratio on the television to Just Scan. The picture was shifted left to compensate for lesser clone products.

Wii Component Cable

These settings provide a 5.5× scaled image in a 16:9 1080i60 (27MHz÷800÷1125) video output. They require a GCDual or EON GCHD Mk-II with firmware v2.4c.2 or later.
A reconstruction filter may be necessary as an add-on for proper display. The GCDual and EON GCHD Mk-II lack such a filter.

For firmware v2.4c.2: In the GCVideo menu under "Other settings", set "Pixel Average" to Off and "Mode Output" to dYUV.
For firmware v3.0c or later: In the GCVideo menu under "Advanced settings", set "Chroma Interpolation" and "Fix resolution" to Off.

Included as gbihf-direct-ypbpr.cli, gbihf-direct-ypbpr.dol+cli and gbihf-direct-ypbpr.gci. Transcribed below for reference.


Change the Aspect Ratio on the television to Just Scan.

GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later

These settings provide a 4× scaled image in a 4:3 960×720i60.08 video output.

In the GCVideo menu under "Advanced settings", set "Chroma Interpolation" to Off, and "Digital color format" to RGB-F, RGB-L or YC444.

Included as gbihf-direct-hdmi.cli, gbihf-direct-hdmi.dol+cli and gbihf-direct-hdmi.gci. Transcribed below for reference.


Change the Aspect Ratio on the television to 4:3. If the correct aspect ratio cannot be realized, or the output isn't compatible, consider other options.

Standard-definition televisions


These settings provide a 1× scaled image in a 4:3 240p59.7276 (27MHz÷1732÷261) video output.
These settings are applicable to the Bitfunx/Kaico GameCube Component Cable and Retro-Bit Retro Prism Component Cable. They will be updated as more mitigations are implemented.


Video capture devices

These settings provide a 2× scaled image in a 3:2 480p59.94 (27MHz÷858÷525) video output.

If you're using GCVideo-DVI, under "Advanced settings", set "Digital color format" to YC422.


Important: Misuse will result in the wrong aspect ratio. These settings are mutually exclusive with a secondary display.


Progressive scan (720x480p)
Blanking regeneration (1440x480i)
Red + Green: Regenerated blanking interval
Green + Blue: Actual blanking interval

How do I change Game Paks?

  1. Hold the Reset Button.
  2. Slide the Game Pak Ejector.
  3. Insert a Game Pak into the Game Pak Slot.
  4. Release the Reset Button.

Can I play Game Boy Advance Video?

Yes. You can do so by disabling Game Boy Player enhancements (--no-enhance, or "Rumble: No" in Swiss), or holding a direction while the Game Boy Player logo is visible.

What is the default video output?

  • Analog AV Out only: 1× in 3:2 720×240p59.7276 (reported by GCVideo-DVI as 480x180p60)
    This should only be consumed by a video processor.
  • Digital AV Out: 1× in 4:3 1440×240p59.7276 (reported by GCVideo-DVI as 1056x180)
    • Progressive Scan Mode: 2.25× in 16:9 720×480p59.7276 (reported by GCVideo-DVI as 480x405p60)

Why am I seeing a double split image?

Either progressive scan mode is enabled or, if using GCVideo-DVI, line doubling is by default.

If line doubling is at fault, the picture may also be scrolling with a slant.

Why is my picture cut-off or cut-through?

This is GCVideo-DVI's blanking regeneration misbehaving with unsupported video modes. In most cases, no user action is necessary with GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later.

If you have a GCDual or EON GCHD Mk-II, under "Other settings", set "Analog output" (Wii RGB Cable) or "Mode Select" (Wii Component Cable) to dYUV.

As a last resort, you can disable pixel doubling (--scan-mode=no-clock2x,no-size2x, or "Pixel Doubling: No" in Swiss). This will degrade video quality and disable aspect correction for 4:3 displays.

Why is my picture in black-and-white?

The high-fidelity edition is not intended to be used with composite video, nor S-Video. Please use the speedrunning edition instead, even if color is present.

How do I calibrate for this?

Damian Yerrick has ported Artemio Urbina's 240p Test Suite to the Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance.

The Game Boy Advance port can be multi-booted by Game Boy Interface, skipping the need for a flash cart.


October, 2023

  • Added +Control Pad rotation.
  • Added auto-cropping.
  • Added color rendering intent.
  • Updated color matrices by Pokefan531.
  • Updated 3D LUTs by Pokefan531.

July–September, 2023

  • Added Memory Expansion Pak support.
  • Improved GC Loader write support.

February, 2023

  • Added Sloop color profile.
  • Added piecewise parametric curve.
  • Added pan and scan.
  • Added turbo A/B Buttons.
  • Changed saturation to use luma coefficients from video color space.
  • Changed L/R Buttons filtering to remapping.
  • Fixed 4:3 border color in RGB output mode.
  • Fixed polling rate in various video modes.

November, 2022

  • Added black frame insertion.

July, 2022

  • Added Gambatte and higan color profiles.
  • Fixed issue with GC Loader and IPL replacements.

May–June, 2022

  • Added 160p Test Suite autoboot.
  • Added direct color palette setting.
  • Added turbo button.
  • Improved SD card compatibility.
  • Changed reset combo to exit on hold.
  • Relaxed U+D/L+R cancelling.
  • Fixed minor issues.

January, 2022

  • Added color blindness filters.
  • Added L/R Buttons filtering control.

December, 2021

  • Added grayscale mode.
  • Added 4:2:2 processing mode.
  • Added hue/saturation controls.
  • Updated GBA-as-GC controller.

November, 2021

  • Added quick color profiles.
  • Updated color matrices by Pokefan531.
  • Updated 3D LUTs by Pokefan531.
  • Fixed issues with GC Loader.

June, 2021

  • Added GC Loader 2.0.0 write support.
  • Improved GBA anti-sleep mode.

May, 2021

  • Added 4:3 border generation.

February–April, 2021

  • Added control type E² and E³.
  • Updated GBA-as-GC controller.
  • Fixed hang in AGB Aging Cartridge.

January, 2021

  • Added all devices search for GBI directory.
  • Updated GBA-as-GC controller.
  • Improved GBA multiboot support.

December, 2020

  • Added return to loader support.
  • Updated color matrices by Pokefan531.
  • Updated 3D LUTs by Pokefan531.
  • Improved system stability.
  • Improved SD card compatibility.
  • Changed default 3D LUT order to GBR.

May–June, 2020

  • Added control type E¹.
  • Added disc spin-down.
  • Added GC Loader read-only support.

April, 2020

  • Fixed Game Boy Player settings validation.
  • Removed prohibitively expensive "linear light scaling" feature accidentally restored from a backup in January, 2020.

January–March, 2020

  • Improved SD card compatibility.

November, 2019

  • Added non-integer horizontal scaling.
  • Added scaled size/offset setting.
  • Changed pixel-doubled 240p and 480i to assume 4:3.
  • Changed 480p and 960i to assume 16:9.
  • Fixed pixel-doubled left/right chroma location.

October, 2019

  • Added N64 Controller support.
  • Added GBA anti-sleep mode.
  • Added subfolder search for GBI directory.
  • Added left/right chroma location support.

August–September, 2019

  • Added Game Boy Player settings validation.
  • Fixed default SD card with bad program name.

July, 2019

  • Added SD2SP2 support.
  • Fixed hang with no SD card inserted.
  • Fixed hang upon SD card reinsertion.

June, 2019

  • Added non-integer vertical scaling.
  • Changed 540p and 1080i to assume 16:9.
  • Fixed 540p and 1080i.

April, 2019

  • Fixed a power issue.
  • Enabled USB Gecko standard output.

March, 2019

  • Updated color matrices by Pokefan531.
  • Updated 3D LUTs by Pokefan531.
  • Replaced 720p with 540p.
  • Fixed 960i and 1152i.
  • Fixed Super Game Boy password order.
  • Fixed NTSC 50 composite video.

October–December, 2018

  • Added HD Custom video format.
  • Fixed 360p RGBcvS sync issue.

August, 2018

  • Updated color matrices by Pokefan531.
  • Updated 3D LUTs by Pokefan531.

July, 2018

  • Updated GBA-as-GC controller.

June, 2018

  • Added analog sound emulation.
  • Added video options.
  • Added component video DAC oversampling.
  • Changed brightness/contrast controls to match BT.1886.
  • Fixed some audio bugs.
  • Removed left/right chroma location support.

May, 2018

  • Added Super Game Boy color palette setting.
  • Changed default chroma location to center.
  • Fixed Game Boy Player advertisement.
  • Fixed rumble protocol handshake.

April, 2018

  • Added movie recording/playback.
  • Updated GBA-as-GC controller.

March, 2018

  • Added RGB Sync-on-Green support.
  • Added xvYCC/BT.2020 support for auto-generated 3D LUT.
  • Added control swapping for SNES Controllers.
  • Added center/right chroma location support.
  • Improved multiboot implementation.
  • Fixed SD card compatibility.
  • Fixed multiboot to rumble protocol transition.



TiKevin83 Speedruns